This writer wonders if anyone on the Left defending the Department of Education understands what the DOE actually does.
Because over the past several months, they’ve certainly said some stupid things about the DOE and what it does. Like Randi Weingarten, who thinks it pays teachers.
The problem is that education in America has declined since the DOE’s inception. We used to be the global leader in education; today, we’re 22nd. In Wisconsin, just 31% of students are proficient in reading, and in Illinois, there are thirty schools where zero students are proficient in reading.
So when Donald Trump promises to dismantle the DOE, we say, ‘Bring. It. On.’
Let the Lefties meltdown over it.
Like Billy Baldwin, who wants teachers to walkout if the DOE shuts its doors.
If Trump abolishes the Department of Education… teachers should walk out.
Shut it all down:
Childcare.Enjoy the economic chaos that follows.
— Billy Baldwin (@BillyBaldwin) February 5, 2025
We did that in 2020. It harmed kids.
Why does Billy Baldwin want to harm children?
You do realize before the 1980s we didn’t have a department of education
And our students were smarter than they are now
I realize the name department of education sounds very noble, with good intentions, but perhaps the results are not so great
— Pasta (@sazerac54) February 5, 2025
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
I agree. Teachers who don’t want to teach, but do want to enrich bureaucratic trash, should walk out and quit.
The DOE has done nothing for teachers who care about teaching in over 40 years.
And you don’t care about teachers.
You’re too much of an imbecile to understand, Bill.
— Robert Novak (@gallifreyan) February 6, 2025
There are so many things Billy doesn’t understand.
You do know that if the DoE goes under, teachers still get paid, right?
— AmishDude (@TheAmishDude) February 6, 2025
Probably not.
Tell me you dont understand its returned to the states without telling me.
— Spitfire (@DogRightGirl) February 5, 2025
This is lost on him. Totally lost on him.
This already happened during Covid. The result? Homeschooling nearly doubled.
Your terms are acceptable.
— Jenna Ellis 🐊 (@realJennaEllis) February 6, 2025
Also this.
Y’all tried that once already.
— Mary Katharine Ham (@mkhammer) February 6, 2025
Look at how much damage it did to children.
Imagine being this out of touch.
— Samurai Apocalypse (@HeatherIsUnsane) February 6, 2025
Nope, can’t.
So…you also have no idea what the Department of Education does.
— Chad Felix Greene 🇮🇱 (@chadfelixg) February 6, 2025
Not a clue.
It may not seem like it, but being the “dumb Baldwin” is actually a very difficult thing to accomplish. Kudos, Billy.
— Derek Hunter (@derekahunter) February 6, 2025
The competition for that title is stiff.
Do people legitimately not know that states have thier own departments of education? That the redundant federal department has only existed since 1980? That the metrics it was meant to improve have fallen instead? They need cheap slogans because there’s no real defense of that.
— Wonderbeard (@WonderbeardShow) February 6, 2025
This. This right here.
Education existed before the DOE, it’s gotten worse since the DOE started, and nothing will be harmed by dismantling the DOE.
And when things actually improve, they’ll have proved Donald Trump right. Again.