The sooner DEI goes the way of the dodo bird, the better off society will be.
One of the first things President Donald Trump did when he was inaugurated was declare war on the Left’s beloved systemic racism, and hoo boy did it make them angry.
But the fact remains: DEI is racism. Just because it benefits the Democrats’ pet causes and demographics doesn’t make it acceptable, and most Americans are sour on the government picking winners and losers based on our skin color.
This is another win in the war against wokeness:
Breaking News: The University of California, one of the country’s biggest higher education systems, said it would stop requiring diversity statements in hiring.
— The New York Times (@nytimes) March 20, 2025
The University of California said on Wednesday that it would stop requiring the use of diversity statements in hiring, a practice praised by some who said it made campuses more inclusive but criticized by others who said it did the opposite.
Diversity statements typically ask job applicants to describe in a page or so how they would contribute to campus diversity. The move away from them, by one of the biggest higher education systems in the United States, comes as the Trump administration escalates an attack on higher education over diversity programming.
For a decade, the 10-campus system was a national leader in using such statements, as universities increasingly came under pressure from those who wanted more diverse student bodies and faculties.
A person contributes to ‘diversity’ on campus just by being there.
And students who are qualified to get into a University of California school should get in, regardless of race.
Make Meritocracy Great Again and all that.
Excellent news! We had one brave @ucdavis professor speaking out on these diversity statements awhile back. Others like @BRSoucek tried to have her canceled.
— Beth Bourne (@bourne_beth2345) March 20, 2025
Cancel culture needs to stop, too.
Wow, pretty big news in a state whose biggest newspaper called a black man a “white supremacist” about 20 minutes ago.
— Mark Ashworth (@marklarflash) March 20, 2025
The tide, she is a-turning.
New question: Do you agree with the government on doing away with DEI programs?
— OK Conservationist (@OKConserve) March 20, 2025
We absolutely do.
The New York Times? Not so much, probably.
One small but consequential subset of institutional racism against white males bites the dust. Many yet to go.
— i/o (@eyeslasho) March 20, 2025
They all need to go away.
A huge shift. UC dropping diversity statements in hiring is going to spark a lot of debate.
— Silhouette (@silhoue_tte42) March 20, 2025
The ‘debate’ will be Lefties melting down for a week while normies continue living their lives.
Seems like Trump’s crackdown on DEI is having the intended effect. If the UC system is doing this, other universities shouldn’t be too far behind.
— Varad Mehta (@varadmehta) March 20, 2025
All it took was a President with a spine to end this nonsense.
The funny thing is that this move away from the idealogical monoculture that pervades so many university departments is actually a step toward diversity — idealogical diversity.
— David Eide (@TheDavidEide) March 20, 2025
And we all know that the opposite of diversity is university.
So everybody realizes that most of the content of a diversity statement can just be rolled into a teaching statement and/or a research statement and/or a cover letter, right?
— Flavius Clemens Grammaticus (@flaviusclemens) March 20, 2025
But it’s a step in the right direction.
So everybody realizes that most of the content of a diversity statement can just be rolled into a teaching statement and/or a research statement and/or a cover letter, right?
— Flavius Clemens Grammaticus (@flaviusclemens) March 20, 2025
Hit ’em where it hurts, in the wallet, and watch how their behavior changes.