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Unhinged Leftist Tries (and Fails) to Chase Down MAGA Supporter – Twitchy

America has a serious liberal white woman problem. 

We know that is not breaking news or anything, but it continues to be amazing how women on the left, particularly if they are white — and even more particularly if they are white and college-educated — feel like it is not just acceptable, but it’s their JOB to lecture other people loudly and in public. 

This morning, the Twitter account @ImMeme0 shared the latest episode of ‘Crazy, Childless Cat Girls Gone Wild’ in the form of a video from the New York City subway. 

Watch below as this Karen (or is it ‘Margaret’ now?) lectures what appears to be a black man and Hispanic man for being Trump supporters, screaming at them that they are RACIST (lol) and going so far as to chase the one man wearing a MAGA hat off of the train trying to steal his hat. 

But make sure to stay tuned until the end to see karma get sweet, sweet retribution on this AWFL. (Well, maybe not technically an ‘AWFL’ because she doesn’t look very ‘affluent.’)

[Warning for some NSFW language in this video.]


It’s almost worth it to have to sit through her deranged tirade just to see her fantastic faceplant on the subway platform. 

It would appear that Fate agrees with that assessment.

As Mike Tyson famously said, ‘Social media made y’all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it.’


But that’s OK. It looks like the pavement took care of punching her in the face. 

The video itself is funny enough, but the incident truly took off on social media today when Greg Price captured a screenshot of the faceplant and instantly created Twitter’s new favorite meme. 

Yep. You know where this is headed. 

Strap in, folks. Because Twitter answered the call with some HILARIOUS memes. 

Here are some of our favorites: 

Wham! Putting Killary in her place right out of the gate.

And Kamala Harris too.

‘Hey, whatchu mean? She talk good and everyting. Just axe her.’

Twenty-nine percent approval rating and plummeting rapidly. 

We like how Brick Suit flipped the template to show ‘everyone else’ sprinting … to the right. 

That was a subtle but nice touch. 

Those lefty judges are getting some pyrrhic victories right now, but they’re all going to faceplant in the end because their anti-Trump rulings are not based on law or the Constitution. 

OOF. It must pain them so much that no one cares what they think anymore. 

Yep. The gender cult has gone so batpoop insane that ‘LGB-‘ is officially divorcing from ‘-TQ+.’

Not all of the memes were political, of course. The right knows how to meme, unlike the left, so that means many of the funniest takes on the template were just about things that happen in our everyday lives. 

Yes, it is a struggle that every dog owner knows all too well.  

This writer is a dog person but we couldn’t leave cat owners out of this either.

HAHA. The poor parents. Where DO the kids get the energy?

We miss the old days of being able to slam the phone down on the receiver when we wanted to hang up on someone. 

But we also LOVE that smartphones allow us to send ‘unknown callers’ straight to voicemail. 

YES. Come on, big influencer accounts. You don’t have to steal our memes. The ‘RT’ button is there for a reason.

Poor Wile E. Coyote. One of these days, he’ll catch that pesky Roadrunner. 

It turns out, they COULD simply walk into Mordor. Who knew? 

Returning to politics, we’ll leave you with a few more hilarious takes. 

Unhinged, unrelenting, constant hatred burns a lot of calories. Way to go, RFK, Jr.! 

Schumer faceplanted so hard, even Democrats want to toss him into the dumpster. 

Oh, yes. The globalists HATE that America is back. And strong again. 

We love that one. Harry Sisson is finished. And it couldn’t have happened to a worse scumbag. 

LOL. We almost forgot how Ilhan Omar used to eye Matt Gaetz like he was a prime ribeye cut. 

You’re still going to have to answer to Rand Paul for your crimes, Tony Fauci. That blanket pardon that Dementia Joe allegedly ‘signed’ might not be worth the paper it’s printed on. 

OUCH. Bye-bye, Rick Wilson. No one is going to miss you. 

And there it is. The straight truth. That’s as good a place as any to wrap this up. 

Well … almost. 

Here is just one more fantastic video tribute to the deranged leftist woman getting smacked in the face by the concrete floor of karma. 


Majestic. Simply majestic. 

We love Twitter so much sometimes. LOL.

We hope this gives our Twitchy readers a funny kickoff to your weekend. 

And remember, leftist white women: Karma never loses an address. 

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