<![CDATA[california]]><![CDATA[Democrat]]><![CDATA[Donald Trump]]><![CDATA[Fox News Channel]]><![CDATA[Gavin Newsom]]><![CDATA[governor]]><![CDATA[Minnesota]]><![CDATA[podcast]]><![CDATA[Republican]]><![CDATA[Steve Bannon]]><![CDATA[Tim Walz]]><![CDATA[Trump Supporters]]><![CDATA[wwe]]>Featured

Tyrus Accepts Challenge to Wrestle Tim Walz WWE Style – Twitchy

Gavin Newsome had Tim Walz as a guest on his new podcast, and the two far-left failed governors with presidential aspirations had a lot to talk about. Things like why Walz, running with Kamala Harris, took a near historic electoral defeat in November. Of course, the results of the election had more to do with racism and misogyny than flawed policies. There was no mention of open borders, out-of-control crime, disastrous economic policy, or anything voters considered important. From the Southern strategy to demonizing DEI, the problem is never with the Democrats. It’s always the rest of us. If nothing the else the conversation demonstrated just how lost the Democrats are, they really have no idea why they lost or why they are so unpopular.

Lost as they were, the conversation went on. Newsom was in his standard form, with heavily gelled hair and a plastic smile, bloviating, while Walz, looking like a pouty basset hound that had just been shaved down, occasionally interjected. ‘How do you fight it?’ As Newsom answered, Walz interrupted again, saying, ‘I think I can kick most of their a**,’ he proclaimed to a chuckling Newsom.

Walz, the man whose most masculine moment in recent memory was losing a wrestling match to his own shotgun, wants a WWE fight with Trump supporters?


The twinkle-toed governor has a long history of talking tough without exactly backing it up. Who can forget the deployment to Iraq that wasn’t? 

Well, ‘Tampon Timmy’ might have written a check with his mouth that his butt can’t cash with this latest attempt at being a manly man. Former NWA Champion Tyrus saw Tim’s tough guy comment, and if Walz wants to wrestle a Trump Supporter, Tyrus is happy to oblige.

Tryrus has retired from wrestling and spends most of his time these days as a Fox News contributor. At 6ft 7in, Tyrus is also much smaller now than he was at his billed fighting weight of 375 lbs. The 52-year-old former champ still looks like he could sneeze Walz into a body cast.


It’s not as if Walz would ever take Tyrus up the offer. After all, Tim is a man of words, not action.

No, he’s not, but we imagine that’s the look he’d have on his face when reading the offer.

If Walz wants to take part in a scripted sport, he should stick to hunting.

Okay, probably not. He might actually hurt someone.

Given his time in the governor’s office and rhetoric on the campaign trail, if Waltz ever did step into the squared circle against a Trump supporter, it would most likely be in the women’s division.

Not that the result would be any different.

The wrestling results would likely be similar to that 2028 run he’s thinking about.

In the ring or on the trail, his next beatdown seems inevitable. Is it possible that Dollar Store Elmer Fudd has seen this coming all along? Maybe he just wanted tampons in the men’s room to help stop the nosebleeds? Nah, he’s just a leftist twit. Walz is all talk, and he’s never fighting anyone, much less Tyrus.

Man, it would be fun to watch.

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