
Trump Ukraine Russia peace, Letters

The Issue: President Trump’s diplomatic approach to achieving peace between Russia and Ukraine.

Despite the hand-wringing over President Trump’s Ukraine diplomacy, facts, as always, are stubborn things (“Getting Ukraine Back on Track,” Editorial, Feb. 25).

Volodymyr Zelensky’s offer to resign in exchange for NATO membership proves this war was always about NATO.

The West shares moral responsibility alongside Vladimir Putin for the war’s horrors. Ukrainian NATO membership is an outrageous and unjustified proposal meant to threaten Russia’s security — predictably leading to Russia’s alliance with China and Iran.

Would the United States have accepted Mexico joining the Warsaw Pact?

Even Europe won’t admit Ukraine into the EU, yet some claim it should join NATO’s mutual defense treaty? Absurd. Meanwhile, our former vice president advocated Ukrainian NATO admission on the eve of Putin’s invasion.

Both sides share responsibility and must end this calamity. Thank God our current president understands this undeniable reality.

David L. Burg

Freehold, NJ

When Russia invaded Ukraine three years ago, most experts predicted Putin would be standing in Kyiv within days.

That never happened, thanks to the Ukrainians’ heroic defense of their homeland. I’m no geopolitical genius, so can someone please explain why a country that was invaded is considered the provocateur?
Leadership in Washington has changed since 2022, but one thing never should: America’s steadfast support for a sovereign, democratic nation.

Denny Freidenrich

Laguna Beach, Calif.

Trump’s genius is seeing what others can’t. He understands Putin is a bully, and just as on a schoolyard, you must deal with the bully first. Until Russia realizes it can’t continue without grave consequences, nothing will change.

While critics mock Trump’s approach, he will have the war over and terms agreed to — making everyone else look silly, again. Trump is proving every day that his only focus is saving America. We should all be grateful.

Robert Sanfilippo

Roslyn Heights

Although most of the MAGA constituency appears myopic when assessing Trump’s positions, does it resonate at all with them that, when it came time to vote on the United Nations resolution condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the United States sided with China, Russia, North Korea and Iran?

Do these so-called “patriots” have any issue with the fact that the Trump administration is now aligned with these bastions of democracy?

Louis J. Maione


President Trump is using his one-sided support for Putin as a negotiating tool. He knows full well who he is dealing with.

Respecting Zelensky equally as Putin would hinder his attempt to end the war. This is Trump’s Art of the Deal. It must appear that Trump is on Putin’s side to bring peace.

Nick Vento

Staten Island

Trump is a global embarrassment who now says he fully supports a man who endorses the murder, torture and rape of any person who resists Russian troops in Ukraine.

Trump spouts Putin’s propaganda. He accuses Ukraine of being to blame for everything that has happened during Russia’s illegal invasion.

With each passing day, World War III is more likely.

Michael Hilder

Weymouth, UK

“Don’s 4 pillars for peace” was a very interesting article by a former ambassador to NATO (Kurt Volker, Feb. 25).

The four pillars would seem an expert solution. Applying his expert principles, I believe Ukraine’s NATO membership should be a required condition for the war to end.

When Ukraine surrendered its nuclear weapons in the 1990s, the United States and Russia guaranteed its territorial integrity — that didn’t go well. Ukraine needs assurance its sovereignty won’t be violated again.

Donald Trump will no doubt achieve peace, but his approach too often includes supporting Russia’s talking points. I hope, eventually, Ukraine will realize a lasting peace guaranteed by its allies.

Larry Sylvester

Ontario, Canada

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