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Trump Supporters DRAG Derpy Pollster Who TOTALLY Blew 2024 Election Claiming THEY Now Regret Their Votes – Twitchy

You guys remember Allan Lichtman, yes? He’s a professor and pollster who had called many presidential races correctly for many years … until he didn’t. And then he got big mad when he screwed up 2024 and threw a little hissyfit.

Now, he’s trying to convince everyone that Trump supporters are regretting their votes.

We’re not entirely sure why people on the Left keep doing this because every time they do, people on the Right remind them how damn dumb they are, but still. 


We imagine plenty of Trump supporters, if not all of them, feel the same and would vote for him again.

This is just bizarre. Notice that he doesn’t bother to mention which poll he’s referencing.

But whatever Lichtman needs to tell himself to make him feel better about how wrong he was this time. Think about how embarrassing it has to be to have been the guy claiming Kamala Harris would win.


No and … no.

Same, bro. Same.

It’s their egos. They can’t stand to be wrong.


Because Trump IS doing exactly what he promised he’d do.

What it really boils down to here is Lichtman is desperate to be right, to have a win, and he’ll push some lie of a poll to do so.

Poor little guy. *snort*



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