Democrats love to play the martyr. To the Left, victimhood is valuable political currency, which is why they can find anything — no matter how minor — and label it an ‘attack’ on someone.
This is why they oh-so-bravely held up photos of fired federal workers before Trump’s Congressional address last week. Because fired federal workers — many of whom got months of severance — are the victims here.
And, once again, Democrats are on the wrong side of this issue. If the polls are to be believed:
Guess what? Across the board, 2/3 of voters reject the idea that government workers should get special treatment.
— Tom Bevan (@TomBevanRCP) March 12, 2025
[sad trombone noises]
A majority of Americans, including Democrats, don’t work for the government. We don’t get the same special treatment Democrats are demanding for fired federal workers, and voters are keenly aware of this.
Of course they do.
I’d be willing to bet 2/3 of voters have been laid off at least once or had someone close to them laid off at least once.
And furthermore, that same 2/3 observe that it’s not cataclysmic. Most people laid off ultimately end up better off for the experience.…
— IT Guy (@ITGuy1959) March 12, 2025
The entire post reads:
So, of course they think federal employees don’t deserve special treatment, especially considering the generous benefits, pension plans, etc. they do receive while they are federal employees.
That Democrats can’t grasp this is another indication of how far out of touch they’ve become from what was once their core constituency.
They are so blinded by their hatred of President Trump they’ll dynamite everything in opposition to him. As this writer likes to say, Trump could cure cancer tomorrow and they’d come out in favor of osteosarcoma.
Federal workers are being used by Democrats as fodder in their battle with Trump.
Democrats involvement in any situation is now purely the result of this calculation: How much can the situation be leveraged to attack Trump?
— Andrea E (@AAC0519) March 12, 2025
They’ve been doing this for the better part of a decade and what did it get them? Two Trump terms.
Keep it up, Democrats.
Federal employees have no idea how much throwing a tantrum over replying to an email hurt their cause.
— Daniel (@ddwalk34) March 12, 2025
No idea whatsoever.
The question never asked during media interviews of recently let go government workers:
How many days did you actually work in a government office in 2024? 2023?
— Michael Ledwith (@ledwith_michael) March 12, 2025
As the above user mentioned, they melted down about sending an email listing five things they did the previous week. This writer — and everyone she works with — can easily list five things.
That they can’t, or won’t, tells us all we need to know.
DUring COVID when businesses were forced to be closed and access to those still allowed to operate was limited, not one government employee was fired or terminated. The governments just told them they could “work from home”. Meanwhile people got fired by the millions.
— Galactic Emperor Elect – Randy (@KiltedRef) March 12, 2025
The government labeled a lot of people ‘non-essential’ and drove many out of business.
Those chickens are coming home to roost, it seems.
The media’s attempt to lionize bureaucrats failed
— The Reckoning 💥 (@sethjlevy) March 12, 2025
It’s failed spectacularly.
Which means they’ll keep digging that hole deeper.
The other 1/3? You guessed it!
— PoliTex (@PoliPat1) March 12, 2025
They probably work for the government.
The national media does not understand the country, a continuing series.
— Avi Woolf, Wilderness Conservative🐺 (@AviWoolf) March 12, 2025
Someone should write a book about this.
Democrats once again weaponizing a 20% opinion.
— Mark Mitchell, Rasmussen Reports (@honestpollster) March 12, 2025
They sure are.
And we’re fine with that, because it means they’ll never win another election.