Mark Cuban may well be one of the dumbest rich people we’ve ever seen, and considering we grew up with people like Paris Hilton, that’s really saying something. What makes Cuban more laughable, though, is his insistence on somehow being politically relevant, even though it’s clear the guy has zero clue what the heck he’s talking about.
Suppose we should thank him for the endless amounts of Twitchy fodder like this post that he’s provided us with over the years.
He really thought he had something here:
Got to give Doge credit for being the first to cut entitlements. End telephone support for Social Security, cut dozens of SS offices and make Grandma and Grandpa finally get online to confirm their payments.
What an amazing back door way to cut payments! Gonna be some upset…— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) March 19, 2025
Post continues:
… seniors at town halls!
So the same seniors who rely on the phone will come to town halls to complain they can no longer use the phone? What now?
Gunther Eagleman chimed in:
Why don’t you fund it with your own money then?
— Gunther Eagleman™ (@GuntherEagleman) March 19, 2025
Seems fair.
Cuban replied:
You do realize that social security is returning the money you pay out of your paycheck ?
And the administration said they would not reduce payments in any way
You good with making it harder for seniors to confirm the bank accounts ? Potentially leading to them not be able to…
— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) March 19, 2025
Post continues:
… to get their checks?
Sidenote: It’s clear to anyone reading, including Cuban, that almost all of his post is visible but a couple of words. If he bothered to edit EVEN A LITTLE we wouldn’t have to ‘show more’ when reading him.
And bro, they’re not reducing payments to seniors.
I’m good with ridding the corruption within Social Security so my dad who worked his whole life can continue to get it.
— Gunther Eagleman™ (@GuntherEagleman) March 19, 2025
What he said.
We all are good with getting rid of corruption. What corruption does closing dozen of SS offices get rid of ?
How many seniors who live exclusively off of their SS checks can afford internet ?
How many seniors no longer have a SS office near them now that dozens have been…
— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) March 20, 2025
Post continues:
… closed?
What are people without internet or the ability to travel, or don’t have an office near them supposed to do if they need to reconfirm their bank account ?
Do any of these impact your dad?
Second sidenote: He also puts in a bunch of weird spaces that don’t belong.
And wow, trying to play on Eagleman’s emotions about his dad? What a d-bag.
It was at this point that the rest of X took over whoopin’ Cuban’s behind:
Your arrogance is astonishing. Having worked in a hospital that serves a number of rural counties, the only patients that come in without a smart phone are those with advanced dementia. Regardless of age, socioeconomic status or education, they are all connected to the internet.
— Stacey (@ScotsFyre) March 20, 2025
“We’re all good with getting rid of corruption…”?
No. You’re not. If you were, you wouldn’t have supported the candidates and Party that would have continued the corruption. And the invasion. And the money-laundering proxy wars etc.
But you did support the corrupt candidates.
— Random Opiner (@RandomOpiner) March 20, 2025
It gets rid of dozens of offices of corrupt Social Security agents.
Thanks for asking.
— RBe (@RBPundit) March 20, 2025
But but but … Trump! DOGE! REEEE!