President Trump decorated the Oval Office with a collage of family photos and other personal belongings that were on full display during his first day back in the White House on Monday, January 20, 2025.
Additional features in the overhauled Oval Office include the return of the Diet Coke button (bottom right) on the Resolute Desk. Shuran Huang
The Oval Office includes a neutral colored carpet that Trump had during his first term. Shuran Huang
Donald Trump’s Oval Office decor. Shuran Huang
Family photos stand on a table behind the Resolute desk. Shuran Huang
A portrait of George Washington hangs above the Oval Office fireplace. Shuran Huang
A portrait of Andrew Jackson. AP
A portrait and bust of George Washington. Shuran Huang
Books from Yale University press and author Nathaniel Hawthorne stand in a bookshelf. AP
US President Donald Trump speaks to journalists as he signs executive orders in the Oval Office of the WHite House in Washington, DC, on January 20, 2025. POOL/AFP via Getty Images
Donald Trump’s original Oval Office decor in 2017. AP
Joe Biden’s Oval Office decor. AP
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