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Riley Gaines and Megyn Kelly DEMOLISH The View and Dylan Mulvaney on Women’s Sports – Twitchy

The time has long passed since we ever took anything seriously that Whoopi Goldberg or any of the other low-IQ harridans on The View say. They are the embodiment of everything wrong with the Democrat Party and leftists in general, not only for their positions on issues but for how unintelligently they express them.

That doesn’t stop us, however, from pointing out how dumb they are at every opportunity, like when they recently encouraged Democrat voters to ‘fight and die’ (their words, not ours) against the Trump administration. 

And they wonder why so many leftists are becoming increasingly violent. 

Yesterday, The View hosted man in womanface playing dolly, Dylan Mulvaney, who is not an athlete, was never an athlete, and never could be an athlete. Nevertheless, Goldberg thought that Mulvaney would be the perfect guest for her to spout off irrationally about the topic of men in women’s sports.

Goldberg’s logic is as nonsensical as it sounds. Riley Gaines, a woman who IS an athlete, and a world-class one at that, let her have it with both barrels.

It is remarkable, and not in a good way. 

And it is hilarious that Goldberg is making this ridiculous argument about ‘women being tough’ to Mulvaney, who loves to play up the fact that he is a poor and helpless little girl whenever he steps in front of a camera.

Of course, Goldberg’s case breaks down if you take out the word ‘sports’ and substitute in ‘sexual assault.’ 

Another world-class woman in her own right, Megyn Kelly, pointed out the shamefulness of Goldberg’s logic. 


Goldberg can issue that message because, quite simply, she is an idiot. 

She has never argued the case for men in women’s sports against someone intelligent like Gaines or Kelly. She just spouts off in her echo chamber on The View, and no one ever challenges her, least of all Mulvaney or any of her co-hosts. 

As another strong woman pointed out, it’s not even necessary to make the parallel argument about sexual assault as Kelly did. To poke a gigantic hole in Goldberg’s case, all you need to do is look at one of President Trump’s guests at his State of the Union address last week

The View would never have McNabb on their show. They know they can’t argue against what happened to her. 

And it wasn’t just women who understood how stupid Goldberg’s case was.

As the saying goes, ‘Our expectations for you were low, but Holy F***.’

As tempting as it always is to say that The View should be canceled, sometimes we have second thoughts about that. The more they speak — especially on the wrong side of an 80/20 issue with Americans — the more Democrats will continue to fall out of power. 

It’s a tough competition with all of the other insane things Goldberg has said, but we have to agree. This may be one of her most brainless diatribes ever. 

Yep. What he said. 

As a final illustration of Goldberg’s vapidity, all we have to do is take a look at world records between men and women in the same sporting events. 

And that is just in non-contact sports like track and swimming. We all saw what happened in the last Olympics when a man was allowed in the boxing ring to fight against women.

Recently, the UN reported that more than 600 women had lost nearly 900 medals to men competing in their sports. The number is surely higher by now. And this is the UN reporting these numbers, an organization that has always embraced gender insanity. 

Maybe Whoopi Goldberg, Dylan Mulvaney, and the rest of the cast on The View should talk to some of those women before they open their mouths on this particular subject again.

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