Listen, the cell phones in schools are out of control. RFK, Jr. is right when he says we need them out of public schools. His reasoning is just probably not what you think.
BREAKING: Robert Kennedy Jr says he will work to get cell phones out of schools: “Cell phones produce electric magnetic radiation, which has been shown to do neurological damage to kids when it’s around them all day.”
— unusual_whales (@unusual_whales) March 21, 2025
Most adults think the phones need to go because they distract kids. They play games, text, and generally are distracted by the phones during school. Some of the students literally listen to music all day with their AirPods constantly in their ears. That’s not what is causing Kennedy’s. concern, though. He is afraid of the radiation.
I can make a very good, very long list of reasons why cell phones don’t belong in schools.
This isn’t one of them.
— Robert Pondiscio (@rpondiscio) March 23, 2025
Perhaps we all get to the same destination, but we arrive in different kinds of cars.
The phones are a total distraction. The kids need an hours-long break from them so they can actually learn & work in school &, added bonus, they need to spend hours without their phone, & parents won’t take them away.
This is enough reason to justify no phones at school.
— Anna James Zeigler (@ajzeigler) March 22, 2025
To get buy in, you need lots of people to agree. Maybe some people will agree because of distraction issues, while others buy in over radiation fears. There is more than ‘one way to skin a cat’ as the southern grandmothers often said.
My favorite is when he has an idea that’s fine on its own and then the reasoning is insane. He’ll be like, “You should wear sunscreen,” and then the explanation is, “Aliens have UV vision and it blocks them from seeing your face bones which they collect.”
— Noah Garfinkel (@NoahGarfinkel) March 22, 2025
He’s a quirky guy. It’s charming.
Right answer, terrifying reasoning.
— Jeff Blehar is *BOX OFFICE POISON* (@EsotericCD) March 23, 2025
This is like math teachers who make you show your work to get credit for the right answer. He got the right answer. It’s none of our business how he got there. Heh.
There is no conclusive evidence that non-ionizing EMR from phones causes neurological damage in children or adults. Many schools are already limiting or banning phone use to improve focus, etc., which may be a good idea—but is an entirely separate, unrelated issue.
— David Gaw 🇺🇸🇺🇦🇮🇱 (@davidgaw) March 22, 2025
Put his argument to the side.
Parenting 2 kids in middle school I can tell you 80% of issues in school stem from cellphones.
BullyingI cannot be convinced there is a positive use case.
Now majority of all the issues above wouldn’t exist if parents…
— Iron Sharpens Iron Trading (@ISITrading2717) March 22, 2025
The phones are a huge problem in schools.
Attributes to the worldwide trend in lowered sperm counts, cuz dudes tuck them in their pockets or near genital area. It’s science 👍🤠
— Cody Pendant 🐎 🎸🤠 (@PendantCody) March 22, 2025
kids need cell phones in school since it gives them ability to communicate during shootings or other emergencies. That said the phones should be taken away from them if they misuse or abuse the privilege in school, and returned at end of day. Not sure why RFK mentioned radiation
— Amor Avhad (@glass_it) March 21, 2025
Many parents cite school shootings as a reason their child needs a phone. However, the daily learning loss experienced by all American students outweighs the benefit of a child being able to contact a parent during the extremely rare chance of an emergency. The cost of this trade-off is simply too high.