It’s long been axiomatic that the Left — from Democrats to media — loves to play the ‘Republicans pounce’ card. Whenever there’s a controversial issue, usually one embraced wholeheartedly by the Democrats, the story is never about the Democrats’ support of that issue. It’s always about the Republicans’ reaction to the story.
That’s how the Left can smear Republicans as ‘extreme.’
And we’ve watched it unfold many, many times.
Including today.
Congressional Rep. Tim (Sarah) McBride is the first openly trans member of Congress, and he wants all the accolades that come with it but none of the criticisms.
ABC News says Republicans keep attacking him (by pointing out the biological fact that McBride is a man, regardless of how he identifies), and Megyn Kelly told McBride that we don’t have to participate in his delusions.
Now, McBride is attacking Republicans for being ‘obsessed’ with the culture war.
.@Rep_McBride (D-DE): “The Republican Party is obsessed with culture war issues. It is weird and it is bizarre.”
— CSPAN (@cspan) March 13, 2025
Really? He wants to go there?
The Left has politicized every issue — especially cultural issues — because, as this writer often says, politics is downstream from culture. And the Left has known this for years.
Republicans are finally, it seems, catching up.
What McBride really means is he’s mad Republicans are pushing back — and winning — on the cultural issues.
It’s a fun little game the Left plays: they make a big deal about XYZ cultural issue, change it completely and claim it as their own, then look at Republicans who object and say, ‘It’s just XYZ issue! Why do you care so much?!’
What the Left wants is for the Right to roll over and continue ceding the cultural ground to them.
Not gonna happen.
Man dressed as a woman says that Republicans are weird
— Whale Psychiatrist ™️ (@k_ovfefe2) March 13, 2025
Pot, meet kettle.
Dude who thinks he’s a woman calling other people weird lmao
— Meara (@MillennialOther) March 13, 2025
The chutzpah it takes for McBride to say this on camera is impressive.
— GayPatriot (@GayPatriot) March 13, 2025
“Why won’t the GOP talk about real issues, like I do, when I lie about the GOP inciting an insurrection every chance I get?”
You really suck at your job, dude
— Pudge (@pudgenet) March 13, 2025
And he’s only been on the job a few weeks.
Translation: “Oh those darn Republicans, Conservatives and anyone that disagrees with me for noticing that we are trying to subvert the culture and force people to play pantomime to my delusions!”
— Redneck Rogue Elf, 🐿 Whisperer (@TheRogue_Elf) March 13, 2025
Nailed it.
Dude, we can see your Adam’s apple. Do better.
— Steve Inman (@SteveInmanUIC) March 13, 2025
Women’s rights is not a culture war, it is our lives.
Tim would not get that, being an entitled larping bloke.
— Billy Bragg (@Serena_Partrick) March 13, 2025
Our lives, our safety, our opportunities.
No, Tim, what is weird and bizarre is that you are forcing the public to participate in your sexual fetish, and that you have been using the same manipulative political strategy since 2011
— Genevieve Gluck (@WomenReadWomen) March 13, 2025
Find a new game, buddy.
Says the mentally ill person demanding that I play along with his mental illness
— FilmLadd (@FilmLadd) March 13, 2025
Our irony meters are broken.
Reality is not a culture war.
McBride is a man. It is that simple. A mentally ill man needs help, not a seat in Congress. I’ve sympathy for him but will not participate in his delusion.
— Anna James Zeigler (@ajzeigler) March 13, 2025
Reality is not a culture war.
McBride is a man. It is that simple. A mentally ill man needs help, not a seat in Congress. I’ve sympathy for him but will not participate in his delusion.
— Anna James Zeigler (@ajzeigler) March 13, 2025
We have no obligation to participate, no matter how much McBride may demand us to.
No, we are obsessed with reality.
— Schadenfreudelish (@aggierican) March 13, 2025
Reality and science. Remember when the Left liked science?
Good times.