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Oops! Iceland’s ‘Minister for Children’ quits after popping out a kid with a 16-year-old boy – Twitchy

Well, that’s sick.

Iceland’s minister for children has abruptly resigned after shockingly admitting she had a baby more than 30 years ago with a 16-year-old boy — who ended up coughing up child support.

Ásthildur Lóa Thórsdóttir fessed up to the secret relationship, which started when she was a 22-year-old counsellor at the church group the teen attended, on Thursday after Icelandic news outlet RUV was tipped off about the saga.   

The 58-year-old politician, who is a member of the country’s center-left People’s Party, confessed that she gave birth to the teen’s baby when she was 23 — and that the boy was in the birthing suite during her labor. 

If you’re wondering how a woman her age is getting pregnant, this pregnancy happened many years ago when she was 28. The boy was still 16 and very much a minor, so it was still very wrong. Her past has come back to haunt her.

Yeah, that’s not what they meant when they said form warm and trusting bonds with Iceland’s children. 


There are depraved people all over. 

She didn’t mean it to be a guide book. 

The world is getting very sick.

They generally do the opposite of protecting children or improving their lives.

This story gets even more crazy. The

Let’s be nice. Never mind. She doesn’t deserve it. She deserves all the mocking.

They intentionally seek out jobs to have access to vulnerable children.

The fox is in the hen house.

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