Meet Sholdon Daniels. Per his own bio on X: Common Sense Candidate for U.S. House TX-30 running against Jasmine Crockett! AMERICA1ST Apparel TM! Secure Borders! Power to the People! James 2:17
He is challenging Rep. Jasmine Crockett, so we like him already.
Welp, Daniels has really been putting the pressure on Crockett for her donations, and it appears she’s not at all happy with him. If you ask us, everything she’s threatening him with tells us she’s scared of him.
And as bizarre and unpopular as she and other Democrats are right now, she should be. Check this out:
We just received a letter from @RepJasmine threatening to sue us for ‘intimidating her donors’—her words. They claim one donor only gave $610, not $16,240. (We will verify this and update you later.) And to top it all off, they’ve now warned me that if I show up to any event…
— Sholdon Daniels For Congress (@SholdonDaniels) March 17, 2025
His post continues:
… she’s hosting, I’ll be trespassed from the property.
She’s in town tomorrow. What is she so afraid of?
Getting called out by an opponent who knows she’s full of crap and isn’t afraid to say so? Just spitballin’ here.
I thought the events she is hosting are open to the public?
— §ckni87 (@ckni87) March 17, 2025
Not to mention, if she’s confident in her policies and her campaign, why would she care if he’s there or not?
She definitely fears you 🤣
— Irene Sloate (@LlebrezIm) March 18, 2025
Oh yeah.
Ask her about this donor.
— God Bless the USA (@tek22gbp) March 18, 2025
That seems like a fair ask. Totally.
Wow. What a horrible human being.
I feel physically threatened by this violent video that she posted.
— MouseTurd (@MouseTurd_) March 18, 2025
She’s such a class act. *eye roll*
So much for public meetings and hearing her constituents. After all, you are her constituent until you beat her at the next election.
— Brent D Gifford (@brentdgifford) March 18, 2025
Sholdon, this is a win.
Jasmine talks big on TV, but when it comes to actually facing her opponent, she runs and hides, because she knows she can’t defend her record.
She thrives on clout and theatrics, but when it’s time for real leadership, she’s nowhere to be found.
— Trailblazer (@trailblazer817) March 18, 2025
Post continues:
Keep outsmarting her, there are legal ways to counter her lawfare tactics without breaking a single rule. Stay focused, stay strategic, and keep exposing her for the coward she is.
Wise words for ANYONE running against a Democrat.
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