
‘Oh, Haarrry! You Got Some Splainin’ to Do!’ DNC Paid Dweeb Sisson Caught in Snapchat Sex Scandal – Twitchy

DNC-paid ‘voice of the younger generation’ and all-around insufferable dweeb Harry Sisson must have nightmares about independent investigative journalist Sarah Fields. 

She has caught Sisson in so many lies, including the source of his income and, more recently, when he lied about having received a bomb threat at NYU.

But if Sisson thought Fields was finished with him after that embarrassing exposé, he probably should have thought again. If Fields is anything, she is relentless. And when she smells something is wrong with someone, she’s not about to let him off the hook with only exposing his fake bomb threat. 

And there’s always been something that smells very, VERY wrong with Sisson. 

Today, Fields hit Twitter with an absolute bombshell of a new report about the ‘Gen-Z influencer’ and … whoa boy, even we never saw this one coming.

Strap in, folks. This one’s about to get ugly. With a capital U for ‘Ugh, what a jerk!’

The initial tweet in the thread continues: 

When the women discovered each other one by one, he called them all insane and attempted to coerce one of them into telling the public that the photos were ‘fake.’ 

A Request to the Reader – Set political differences to the side. I believe both sides of the aisle can agree that this is unacceptable behavior from a man-child with collectively over 2 million followers. 



OK, right off the bat, before we delve into the details of the thread, let’s get the obvious question out of the way …

Yes, the entire Internet was asking the same question today. We’re as shocked as anyone. 

But, we should be clear that what Fields is accusing Sisson of doing does not require him to be heterosexual. He was manipulating and abusing women. That type of misogyny is not aligned to a sexual preference. It just requires someone to be a scumbag. 

Speaking of scumbags, let’s return to Fields’ thread to find out more about Sisson, as revolting as some of it is. 

Fields started with TikTok videos from some of the women who have accused Sisson of manipulating them into sending him sexually explicit photos. 

[Warning for some NSFW language in many of the videos you will see below.]

As this second alleged victim explains, she had approached Sisson because she was a survivor of sexual assault and wanted to support him because he purported to be such a ‘champion of women.’

Not so much, it turns out.

That was also the case with a third victim, Sara, a survivor of domestic violence. 

These are just a few testimonials, though. We can only take them at face value. 

But then Fields started to introduce receipts to the thread demonstrating Sisson’s horrid behavior toward these women. 

Fields then cited another testimonial from Carlee: 

… I am beyond blessed and, frankly, shocked to have connected w so many amazing people over this horrible experience. thank you for confirming that my feelings throughout those 9 months were valid.

Eight more women have come forward to accuse Sisson in addition to the three above. 

To be clear, nothing Fields cited thus far constitutes anything illegal Sisson did to these women. 

Just reprehensible. 

However, Fields also conveyed that Sisson had lied to these women and tried to coerce at least one of them.

He then asked her if she wouldn’t mind telling people that she had seen screenshots from him “proving they were fake”, even though she had not.

I have been provided the evidence for this. However, she does not want to have the screenshots provided publicly.

If the status of this changes, I will provide receipts.

Yikes. That type of coercion might cross the line of criminal activity. 

We can understand how this woman feels, but we hope she will agree to share those receipts. It sounds like they are quite incriminating.

Sisson then proudly showed his new ‘thirst trap’ to all of the other women he had deceived on TikTok. 

Fields added one more testimonial from a woman who claims to have known Sisson for a long time and that he has always been a liar and a predator.

Fields added at the end of that tweet, ‘We believe you, Hannah.’

What this final testimonial documents is classic predatory behavior and it is often found in ‘feminist men.’ 

Isn’t that right, Doug Emhoff? 

That BlueSky post from Sisson doesn’t seem to have aged very well, does it? 

Fields concluded her thread with a personal story. 

Harry is a narcissistic abuser who took advantage of a dozen women at the same time for nearly a year.

I do not condone the behavior of these women.

But I do know what it feels like to be manipulated by a narcissist when I was younger.

Nasty comments such as ‘they deserved it’ or calling them derogatory names will result in a block.

Yes, as Fields stated, we hope the young woman learned a lesson, But we’re sorry that they had to learn it this way. 

No matter how they acted, they didn’t deserve to be deceived and manipulated by Sisson, who holds a strong power imbalance over all of them given his social media influence and political network. 

This writer had initially planned to follow up Fields’ thread with lots of tweets mocking Sisson and making jokes about him not turning out to be gay. (There are plenty of them on Twitter, and many are very funny if any readers want to look at the quote tweets of Fields’ initial post.)

But as Morgan Freeman’s character stated in The Shawshank Redemption, ‘Neither are they [meaning homosexual]. You have to be human first. They don’t qualify.’

And that is how we feel about Harry Sisson. He doesn’t qualify as human, whether he likes men or women.

As another account on Twitter put it: 

‘He’s everything he accuses others of and so much more.’

That tracks. 

We have to reiterate that these are allegations from Sarah Fields. So far, Sisson has not responded to her or any of his accusers on any social media platform: Twitter, BlueSky, or TikTok. 

We’re not sure if that’s because his lawyers have advised him to shut his usually non-stop yapping mouth for once. 

As Sisson’s final accuser, Hannah, noted above, her biggest fear is that Sisson will suffer no consequences for his actions because of his political connections. 

But, if nothing else, we can at least hope that his depraved behavior toward these women results in the end of Harry Sisson as a ‘social media influencer.’

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