
Of COURSE! House of Representatives Voted to Censure Al Green and GUESS What Democrats Did Next (Watch) – Twitchy

Man oh man, Democrats seriously need to stop digging. We realize they’ve spent the last four years getting their way, playing their games, and conning Leftist Americans into believing they’re fighting for our democracy or something, but this is getting painful.

Well, for them.

We can’t seem to stop laughing.

Case in point, The House of Representatives voted to censure Rep. Al Green for his ridiculous caveman behavior on the floor Tuesday night. Now, to be fair, there was a handful of Democrats who did also vote to censure Green, but for the most part, the party made a joke of itself yet again.


Pathetic is putting it nicely.




You get the picture.

We’d be here all day … but it might be worth it.

They still think they’re smarter and better than the rest of us, otherwise you’d think they’d have figured out by now they continue to make things worse. Heck, data doesn’t lie.


Boomers are gonna boom.



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