This writer remembers exactly what unfolded five years ago this week. On March 10, 2020, she took her eldest to a movie for his 13th birthday, with plans to go to dinner that Friday night, March 13. There was talk about the COVID pandemic and possible lockdowns in Wisconsin.
That Friday, the world shut down and we never made it to that birthday dinner.
So when Audie Cornish goes on CNN to say COVID ‘radicalized’ parents, this writer says: No. Kidding.
WOW: CNN host Audie Cornish claims the COVID-19 pandemic led to “radicalization” of parents.
— Off The Press (@OffThePress1) March 11, 2025
You mean shutting down schools, which had no net benefit in disease prevention but did harm kids academically, socially, and mentally, ticked off parents?!
You mean showing parents the nonsense their kids were learning in school during ‘remote learning’ upset them?!
Color us (not) shocked.
We warned the lockdown-loving Left. And they didn’t listen. Instead they called us ‘grandma killers’ and tried to take away our kids if we didn’t get vaccinated.
CNN host Audie Cornish recalls how COVID caused the ‘radicalization’ of parents
— New York Post (@nypost) March 12, 2025
Here’s more from The New York Post:
During Tuesday’s episode of ‘CNN This Morning,’ Cornish and several guest panelists – including former Bernie Sanders presidential campaign advisor Chuck Rocha, ex-Homeland Security official Ashley Davis, and The Boston Globe D.C. bureau chief Jackie Kucinich – discussed how the pandemic reshaped politics in this country.
‘I also think about maybe the – I hesitate to use this word – but kind of radicalization of, say, parents, right?’ Cornish asked, naming one of the shifts she saw during that time.
The host brought up the topic with Tuesday, Mar. 11 being the fifth anniversary of the World Health Organization declaring COVID-19 a pandemic.
This writer worked as a nurse during that time, and she’d work three 12-hour shifts, then spend her days ‘off’ helping her kids with remote school. Eventually, her kids broke down and begged to go back to school and have a sense of normalcy.
😂 They never learn. The extreme-left.
— Happy Snorkel (@HappySnorkel) March 12, 2025
They never, ever learn.
If not for COVID parents would have never learned what teachers were doing with their kids.
It wasn’t a ‘radicalization’, it was a wake up call to put an end to the indoctrination.
— B_Ray4ever (@BRay4ever) March 12, 2025
It’s not a surprise parents were ‘radicalized’ — and that’s charged rhetoric that feeds right into the Biden-Harris administration’s classifying parents as ‘domestic terrorists.’
Nope. It was transgenderism, DEI, and superfluous gov’t spending, but try again.
— Spurius Larcius Celsus Germanicus (@HatesFlying) March 12, 2025
COVID lockdowns exposed all of those things, thanks to ‘remote learning.’
The radicalization of parents?!?! The government was radicalized and every Democrat tried their hardest to make it the new normal. Parents stood up against tyranny as did majority of America!
— Proxy (@AuburnProxy) March 12, 2025
Remember: Democrats supported the government taking away children from unvaccinated parents. On top of vaccine passports and firing people who didn’t get the jab.
You better believe it did! Parents finally heard what those public school loons were teaching our kids! 🤮
— RockemSockemPatriot (@RForester2025) March 12, 2025
Imagine what we wouldn’t know if the Left wasn’t so militant about school closures.