Being the ‘Chief Climate Change Correspondent’ for CNN has to be a pretty sweet gig. Just ask the current holder of that job title, Bill Weir.
You don’t actually have to know anything about the climate, the weather, or the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. All you have to do is spread fear porn on the airwaves shouting about anything that happens related to weather as a sign of impending DOOOOOOM from the so-called ‘climate crisis.’
Last night, Weir appeared on The Source With Kaitlin Collins to criticize and ‘fact-check’ President Trump’s EPA director Lee Zeldin, who has been wiping out huge amounts of Obama and Biden-era waste and corruption from the agency in the form of regulatory rollbacks.
Apparently, Zeldin has been working so quickly and so effectively that Weir thought he MUST be making mistakes.
So, like any good ‘journalist,’ he made some mistakes up. Watch:
CNN’s Chief Climate Correspondent Bill Weir posting his L’s.
While criticizing the EPA for shooting first, Bill Weir not only revealed his lack of knowledge about EPA rules, he also revealed that he does not know the difference between O’s and 0’s.
— “Experts” Posting Their Ls (@ExpertsPostLs) March 13, 2025
Oh, there is so much more that Weir does not know in addition to the difference between a zero and the letter ‘O.’
Fortunately, Zeldin was quick to respond by BURYING Weir for his ignorance on the subject of EPA regulations.
Another media “fact check” face plant where the fact checker doesn’t have the slightest clue what he’s talking about. “OOOO b/c” is not a typo.
40 CFR Part 60 Subpart OOOO, or Quad O, is a federal reg under the Clean Air Act.
Also, those aren’t zeroes, it’s the letter “O”.
— Lee Zeldin (@epaleezeldin) March 13, 2025
Hey, we’re just spitballing here, but if you are going to claim to be a climate ‘expert’ (or even just a qualified reporter), maybe you should know the first thing about the EPA regulations you are citing.
It’s a crazy idea, we know.
Bill Weir—CNN’s Chief Climate Correspondent—just tried to dunk on the EPA, Lee Zeldin and Trump yet all he actually did was expose the fact that he is a hack.
OOOO isn’t a typo. It’s part of the EPA’s quad O rules.
Also they’re O’s and not 0’s.
Bill needs to do an on air…
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) March 13, 2025
Guest’s tweet concluded by saying that Weir needed to correct his error on the air, but we’re not holding our breath for that to happen. Weir has never apologized for all of the other countless times he has been laughably wrong about ‘climate change.’ And CNN still hasn’t apologized for all of the misinformation they spread about the climate, COVID, and ‘Russia collusion,’ just to name a few examples.
Yes, it’s true. The legacy media is dead. They just won’t stop twitching.
. @cnn’s Chief Climate Correspondent doesn’t know basic facts about the environment. @BillWeirCNN is a fraud.
Dumb and confident is a bad combo.
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) March 13, 2025
We know their motto: ‘Always wrong, never in doubt.’
(Technically, that is Rachel Maddow’s motto, but there’s really no difference among them anymore.)
CNN’s new moto: “Shoot first, learn what you are misreporting later.”
— Margot Cleveland (@ProfMJCleveland) March 13, 2025
Yep. That motto works, too.
It is basic fact checking to look up the regulatory cite.
It is also very very very easy to do.
My second hand embarrassment is off the charts.
— alexandriabrown (@alexthechick) March 13, 2025
Second-hand embarrassment is all there is because Weir, like most of the legacy media, has no shame.
Honestly, we don’t know how someone can be so publicly awful at what they do and still be able to sleep at night. We suppose his $750,000 annual salary helps him buy a lot of Ambien.
This is what happens when you don’t actually know an industry’s vernacular and terminology.
This is a objectively massive face plant by a leftist media outlet, just….
— Magnus (@JacksonTDawes) March 13, 2025
We might need a new term for when the media faceplants AND steps on a giant rake in the same breath.
Ehh … we’ll workshop that one.
Is it too much to expect a @CNN reporter covering climate policy to know something about the regulatory questions he’s covering? (Or at least to look them up before going on air?)
Some is shooting first, but I don’ think it was EPA here.— Jonathan H. Adler (@jadler1969) March 13, 2025
Remember that we’re talking about CNN here, so yes. It is WAY too much to ask that of them.
We’re not sure how Scott Jennings can tolerate being around any of these people.
Wow, @CNN… I’m no climate expert like your “Chief Climate Correspondent” @BillWeirCNN, but -I- knew what “OOOO b/c” is. Why is he still employed? You just can’t keep dolts like that on the payroll in 2025… do you understand that??
Watching the Death of Expertise firsthand. 😒— Scott (@ScooterComputer) March 13, 2025
Hey, Siri: Tell us why no one in America trusts the ‘experts’ anymore.
Kaitlin: “oops!”
— Rhonda Rhoades (@NewWaveIngenue) March 13, 2025
Collins (who, we must repeat, is totally NOT Scott Presler) is dumber than a box of rocks herself, so we wouldn’t expect her to know how wrong Weir was.
But at least ONE of her producers sure should have.
— Slappy K (@Slappy_Kincaid) March 13, 2025
That poor, poor polar bear. We’d like to buy him a Coke to ease his suffering.
The only typo is putting his name on a paycheck.
— Hobson – Please Stop That (@chimera246) March 13, 2025
If this was only one mistake, and if CNN was a sane network, we could see just an on-air correction and a reprimand for Weir.
But he says things this ignorant and ill-informed ALL the time. He even apologized for Joe Biden, who slept his way through a Hawaii visit and offered almost NO assistance after wildfires destroyed the homes of so many Maui residents in 2023.
There’s also the fact that Weir is basically just a glorified former sportscaster who has zero experience or background to be considered an ‘expert’ on pretty much any topic.
That he is still being paid and put on the air by CNN is just one more reason that no one takes them seriously anymore.