Oh, look!
We get to add another example to our ‘The Left Can’t Meme’ file.
There’s been a lot of talk about prohibiting trans athletes (read: men) from competing in women’s sports. To sane people, this is a no-brainer. Men — regardless of how they identify — are stronger and faster than women. But Leftists are not sane, so they’ve dug in their heels on letting men beat (and beat up) girls and women on the playing field.
At the same time, the Trump administration has moved to prohibit transgender people from serving in the military. This, too, is a common sense approach. The military requires mental toughness and discipline; it is not the place for people unsure of their gender.
It’s also perfectly consistent to believe both positions.
But the Left can’t comprehend consistency, nor do they care about the arguments on either issue.
Enter this meme.
Transphobes are always inconsistent in their arguments. Pick a side. pic.twitter.com/BpHuUZcX14
— The Pissed Off Lawyer (@legaltweetz) March 22, 2025
The fact he calls us ‘transphobes’ negates his argument off the bat, but let’s indulge him for a moment.
At no time was the question of strength the issue in the military. It was the behaviors, the mental illness (because that’s what transgenderism ultimately is), and the political nature of transgender people in the military.
A man who identifies as a woman has the same level of strength whether or not he’s playing sports or in the Army.
The inconsistent ones here are, as always, the Leftists.
Mentally weak, yes. You can’t even handle the wrong pronouns. Let alone being fired upon in combat.
If the wrong words can push you towards suicide, maybe arming you with an M4 isn’t the best idea.
— 𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐠 (@WaywardGreg) March 23, 2025
And if they went to war against, say, Hamas, how does the Left think a transgender soldier would fare at the hands of an Islamist enemy?
Not good. At all.
Trans people are a gross burden on the military, majority don’t actually serve and leave the service once they get their opportunity to. They are mentally ill and should not be in the service.
Biological men should never compete against women and “transwomen” are biological men.…
— Redneck Rogue Elf,
Whisperer (@TheRogue_Elf) March 23, 2025
All of this.
Leave it to a trans lawyer to not understand the difference between competing against women and being in combat against men
— TexanDogDad (@texandogdad) March 22, 2025
Imagine if that guy was your lawyer in court. Enjoy prison.
This isn’t the argument at all, but have at it.
— NOfP-X (@NOfPPlus) March 23, 2025
Let them keep talking. They’re on a roll.
Proving once again that trans community has the stupidest, most ineffective advocates out there.
— Jack Bauer after dark (@JackBauerAD) March 23, 2025
And we’re fine with that.
I don’t want a bunch of mentally ill transvestites handling weapons of war. Doesn’t change the fact that those same transvestites are stronger than the women and girls they are so desperate to compete against.
— NeverAgain2024
(@FLFreeBird23) March 23, 2025
This isn’t hard to understand.
Which is why Leftists are so confused.
Is this a parody account intended to make leftwing arguments look stupid? https://t.co/tTl0ppj9bP
— RBe (@RBPundit) March 23, 2025
It is not.
Welp, I’ve now had my RDA of Retardium. https://t.co/H7GCcO84Sy
— Ordnance Jay Packard Esq. (@OrdnancePackard) March 23, 2025
I really think you might be an idiot. https://t.co/I4GvqRpYAe
— Chad Felix Greene
(@chadfelixg) March 23, 2025
You would be correct.
You can’t need constant medications and hormonal treatments and be a soldier.
Pick a side yourself.
Also – stop pretending that insane men get to override women’s rights. https://t.co/n7AQ8H0ANQ
— Suzie-Q Cthulu Kitty (@sioxielegend) March 23, 2025
It would be hard to dilate a neo-vagina on the battlefield.
And therein lies the problem.
Stupid people might find this clever https://t.co/nxaIgNbJFT
— Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) March 23, 2025
They do.
The rest of us just find it lame.