
Kyrsten Sinema TORCHES Democrat Politicians and Pundits Over the Filibuster – Twitchy

Late yesterday, another Democrat attempt to derail the Trump administration failed spectacularly when the Senate passed a continuing resolution to avoid a government shutdown with a total of 62 votes

The death knell for their desperate stunt came earlier when Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer announced that he would be supporting the spending bill, a fact that sent House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries into an apoplectic fit of rage

We suppose the left will just have to go back to calling President Trump and Elon Musk ‘Hitler’ some more. 

Of course, it wouldn’t be a Democrat political ploy without a heaping dose of hypocrisy. Before the vote, many elected Democrats (and their media lapdogs) were calling to use the filibuster to stop the continuing resolution. 

Yes, in case you are wondering, that is the exact same filibuster that Democrats previously wanted to destroy, calling it ‘a Jim Crow relic’ and ‘a tool of segregationists.’ 

If you can’t read the text of that screenshot, it is: 

‘On the Filibuster: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: ‘A Cherished Tool of Segregationists’; former President Barack Obama: ‘Jim Crow Relic’; and ex-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid: ‘Outlived Its Usefulness.”

That headline is from a 2021 article at Common Dreams. Of course, the Democrats wanted to end the filibuster then because they were in power. Apparently, the lessons of Harry Reid ending the judicial filibuster are completely lost on them. 


[Thanks again for doing that, Harry.]

One prominent Democrat Senator during that time was Arizona’s Kyrsten Sinema. And hoo-boy, did she incur the wrath of her party during the Biden administration when she refused (along with West Virginia’s Joe Manchin) to go along with eliminating the filibuster when it comes to passing regular legislation. 

Well, Sinema may not be a Senator anymore, but she still has an outstanding memory. This morning, she went on an absolute scorched earth campaign on Twitter, laying waste to her former colleagues and media pundits who had been calling incessantly this week for Democrats to use the filibuster to hurt Trump. 

She started with Representative Ro Khanna: 

Well, would you look at that? Khanna wants to stand up for democracy now, but he sang a different tune on his official website in 2021. 

We have to say that we’re shocked … SHOCKED … that Khanna could reverse his position so quickly and easily. 

But Sinema was just getting started. Next, she turned to leftist spewer of hate on Twitter, John Pavlovitz. 

It always sucks for the left when they are shown the receipts. And Sinema has a LOT of receipts.

Wouldn’t you agree, AOC? 

We have to believe that Sinema took extra pleasure in sharing that bit of hypocrisy since AOC was one of the Democrats leading the charge against her during the Biden administration. 

Lilliputian man Robert Reich was next in her sights. 

Someone may need to get Reich a step stool so he can see Sinema’s quote tweet so far above his. 

Last but not least (so far, anyway), Sinema dropped a nuke from orbit on Hamas Caucus member Pramila Jayapal:

OUCH, baby. Major OUCH! 

That one might be our favorite of all. Look at all of those issues Jayapal wanted to force on Americans by eliminating the filibuster. 

The same filibuster she wants to use now to be an obstructionist. 

Sinema from the top rope for the win. 

Or perhaps more appropriately … 

It may be cold, but it is true. 

And Hell hath no fury like a retired senator who has absolutely zero F’s to give about her former colleagues who hate her.

Very naughty, indeed. And we are here for it. 

The truth is, Democrat elected officials should be thanking Sinema for stopping them from eliminating the filibuster. 

They thought they would always be in power, so it would never come back to bite them in the behind. (Again, how did that work out for Harry Reid?)

Sinema knew better. Just as importantly, she knows that there’s a reason the filibuster has been ‘The Soul of the Senate’ for nearly 200 years. She may be a liberal, but she is not an insane person. This is probably why she is no longer a Democrat Senator. 

But we hope she is enjoying her day of justified schadenfreude on Twitter. 

We know that we are. 

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