Gov. Kathy Hochul’s still proving hopeless when it comes to facing down still-raging campus antisemitism.
The latest proof: Anti-Israel goons at Barnard College just sent a school worker to the hospital.
Dozens of masked and keffiyeh-clad Jew-haters stormed the school’s Millman Hall on Wednesday, echoing last year’s ugly takeover of Columbia’s Hamilton Hall.
They beat a drum, disrupted classes and assaulted the employee.
The next day, the gov chickened out of a City College event for fear of antisemites disrupting it.
That’ll show ’em . . . weakness.
Why do Jew-haters foment such chaos? Because Hochul lets them.
Sure, she offers tough words. But she never seriously holds anyone to account.
Take the report she assigned left-leaning, milksop ex-judge Jonathan Lippman to whitewash, er, address longstanding Jew-hatred at City College and the rest of the CUNY system.
Lippman came through last year as ordered, recommending weak-kneed tweaks, like improving the school’s complaint portal and better training of diversity officers.
No wonder anti-Jewish hate continues to thrive at CUNY — and not just from the kids: CUNY actually planned to offer a blatantly antisemitic course to falsely teach that Israel is an apartheid state that commits genocide.
Fine: The gov ordered the school to suspend its efforts to hire a prof to teach that curriculum — but she hasn’t taken the heads of the higher-ups who authorized it in the first place, such as CUNY Chancellor Matos Rodrguez and Board Chairman William Thompson.
And no, it doesn’t matter if they were just asleep at the switch: No one who lets that hate pass belongs in power in any university system, let along a New York public one.
Indeed, Hochul should’ve fired Rodriguez long ago for all the antisemitism he allowed even before Oct. 7.
As CUNY prof Jeffrey Lax charges, CUNY’s leaders have been “hell-bent on replacing Jews” with antisemites, including hiring a fiercely anti-Israel “chief diversity officer” whose resume was crowned by pushing the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement as director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Minnesota.
CUNY’s top brass “actively work to promote” antisemitism, Lax fumes.
Meanwhile, Hochul at most treats symptoms, not causes: Tweak that darn complaint portal!
God forbid she ban the masks the hooligans wear to hide their identities and avoid consequences.
She’s an inveterate fence-sitter, whether the issue is the state’s bungled criminal-justice reforms, the left’s demands for Mayor Eric Adams’ head or the raving campus Jew-haters: What tiny steps can she find to take?
Yes, compromise and moderation are virtues in the right place — but not when the left’s Nazis are on the rampage.