
Kansas Gov Not Doing Enough To Stop Satanists From Performing ‘Black Mass’ At Capitol, Critics say

Satanic worshippers who plan to perform a “black mass” in the Kansas Statehouse are undeterred by an attempt to move the event by Democrat Governor Laura Kelly, who critics say isn’t doing enough to make sure the event doesn’t happen.

The leader of the Kansas Satanic Grotto told The Daily Wire that he will defy Kelly’s attempt to move the event out of the government building. Michael Stewart, who calls himself “The Devil of Kansas,” said Kelly “caved” to pressure from Republicans and Catholics on Wednesday when she ordered the planned March 28 “black mass” moved to the steps outside the statehouse.

“I will be performing that black mass in our state capital,” Stewart said. “If they have to arrest me, then they have to arrest me. I will be putting the call out to every satanist within three hours of Kansas City or Topeka and saying, ‘Who wants to march into the Capitol with me?’ We’ll see how many show up.”

An explicit parody of the Catholic Mass, satanic black masses have historically involved the desecration of consecrated Communion hosts, which Catholics believe to be the body, soul, and divinity of Jesus Christ. In a statement, the Catholic Bishops of Kansas said that any planned desecration of the Eucharist would “be an insult to not only Catholics but all people of goodwill.”

During the event, the Satanic Grotto says it will “dedicate the grounds and our legislature to the glory of Satan” by “indulging in sacrilegious blaspheme.”

“We have wafers,” Stewart told The Daily Wire. “I don’t want to comment on whether they’re consecrated or not because that would ruin the mystery.”

Stewart said he did “not believe anyone in our group has obtained a consecrated wafer through illegal or fraudulent means.” Pressed if those “illegal or fraudulent means” included a member of the Satanic Grotto receiving Communion in a Catholic Church, Stewart said, “The Catholics have informed me that that’s all their property, so as far as I know, there is no legal way to grab it.”

Chuck Weber, Executive Director of the Kansas Catholic Conference, says Kelly isn’t doing nearly enough.

“Make no mistake, it’s going to be a vile and despicable satanic worship ritual,” Weber told The Daily Wire, adding that Kelly’s decision to move the event from inside to the statehouse steps is “a distinction without a difference,” akin to moving something from your living room to the front porch.

Weber expressed frustration with Kelly’s statement, noting that while she emphasized Kansans’ rights to “free expression,” she failed to exercise her “duty to express her condemnation of this provocative hatred and anti-Catholic bigotry.”

“There are more constructive ways to protest and express disagreements without insulting or denigrating sacred religious symbols,” Kelly said. “However, as governor, I also have a duty to protect protesters’ constitutional rights to freedom of speech and expression, regardless of how offensive or distasteful I might find the content to be.”

Kelly’s office did not respond to a request for comment.

Former Kansas congressman Tim Huelskamp, a Republican, told The Daily Wire that this issue transcends politics.

“Every politician, whether they’re Catholic or not, should do everything within their power to make certain this event doesn’t happen,” he said. “There should be no Black Mass ever held on state property in Kansas, and I think it’s within the right and responsibility of the attorney general and the governor of Kansas to make sure this doesn’t happen.”

Ironically, the satanist Stewart is also disappointed in Kelly’s statement. He says he’s “supported the Democratic Party in the past” because he believes that “no human is illegal,” and tries “to be anti-racist.” But “in the wake of Biden” and “the way everything’s turned out” with the Black Mass, he says he’s “sick of” Democrats.

“Hell, I’ll run for governor in 2026,” Stewart said. “The Devil of Kansas for Governor.”

In 2014, the Archdiocese of Oklahoma sued to stop an occult group that claimed to be in possession of a consecrated Host from holding a Black Mass. The Archdiocese successfully argued that the Host was stolen property, and the organizers were forced to turn it over to a Catholic priest. If the Kansas Satanic Grotto is found to be in possession of a consecrated Host, the Archdiocese of Kansas and its allies could rely on the Oklahoma case to launch a similar suit.

Stewart told The Daily Wire that the point of the Black Mass “is not to mock the Catholic Church,” but to engage in a kind of “therapeutic blasphemy” wherein Satanists “express some of the anger, and the pain and the sorrow” they feel from their Catholic or other religious upbringings.

Weber echoed the Kansas bishops in calling for Catholics to pray for Stewart’s conversion “during this season of Lent,” when Catholics prepare for Easter with fasting and penitence. Weber observed that the story of Satan tempting Jesus in the desert — which Catholics hear each year on the first Sunday of Lent — offers a model for how to respond to the Kansas Satanists.

“Jesus doesn’t ignore the devil,” Weber noted, “but He doesn’t give him that much more oxygen, either.”

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