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Jo Jo From Jerz Says Being a Woman is Simply a Feeling on Piers Morgan’s Show – Twitchy

Outspoken Democrat influencer Jo Jo From Jerz was recently on Piers Morgan’s show. Morgan asked her what a woman is, and that’s when the utter insanity started. Jo Jo asserted that being a woman is simply a feeling. Who needs science, when we have magic, right?

Here she is throwing reality out the window. (WATCH)

Does she believe this or is she just saying it because her Democrat Party demands it?

She’s advocating for magic. We’re stumped on how one can feel like something without ever having been that something. Commenters were just as confused.

It’s Democrat ‘logic’ so it won’t make any sense.

Commenters were having fun exploring Jo Jo’s lunacy. After all, according to her reasoning, one can become anything they feel like becoming.


Nah, we’re not putting limits on what anyone can become. This next poster explores his snack food identity.

It’s just as Jo Jo believes!

Commenters have some final thoughts starting with acknowledging that Jo Jo was invited to the White House by former President Joe Biden.

This transgender madness has the Democrat Party in its thrall. It’s a reality-denying ideology that Jo Jo and other Dems believe. It’s such a bizarre hill to die on but it’s what the Democrat Party has chosen.

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