
Jemele Hill Fueling Racism Again? Post on Mocking Cuban Musicians for Supporting Trump Turns UGLY – Twitchy

Jemele Hill, best known for her relentless race-baiting political and social commentary, is at it again. Except this time, instead of accusing white people of randomly generated racist sins, she’s targeting Cubans for supporting Trump.



The moment any minority, but especially a racial minority, steps out of line politically, leftwing activists pounce to immediately shame them in public. This is especially true for race activists who do nothing but segregate and minimize people by race and ethnicity.

Of course, like all racists, Hill is mocking people for being Cuban incorrectly by citing misleading information.

Check out a full break down of this ridiculously misleading post by Twitchy Team’s own Brett.

Now onto the consequences of those actions, Jemele.


The Cuban group Los 3 de La Habana, performed to promote Trump throughout the campaign and inauguration celebrations. A poll in October showed, “Sixty-eight percent of likely Cuban Americans voters in Miami-Dade County said they would check off the name of former President Donald Trump on the ballot in November, according to the 2024 FIU Cuba Poll released today.”


As always, though, the left and the Democrats always position minorities who vote Republican as being stupid or hurting their own self-interests. This is no different.

Those South Florida Cubans, huh.

Thing is, Trump isn’t getting rid of anyone. As pointed out above, ‘…the Biden admin already announced in late 2024 (election year when they started taking these issues seriously) they would not be renewing the legal status of any of the 530K migrants under this program. So all of the migrants involved already had notice they would lose their parole status. The Biden admin encouraged them to try to obtain legal status via other means.’

Jemele and her following of racist lunatics just took the misleading headline at face value and then decided it was an excellent time to validate their hateful prejudices for the world to see.


Great job Jemele.

You wanted to expose racism and well, you did it!

No one is more openly, proudly, boldly racist than the left and no one seems to love fueling racism on X more than Jemele!

Such bold assumptions about people simply because of who they are. Shaming and mocking people for holding political views because they belong to a certain racial or ethnic group? Hoping bad things happen to them as a result of, ‘betraying,’ their assigned groups? The left is supposed to be against that right?

Not when it comes to politics.

For Democrats, a person is either a loyal follower or an enemy and once a person is an enemy, anything goes!

That’ll help in winning their votes, though. Keep it up!

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