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Jealous Much? Check Out the Mean Girl at Vogue Who Attacked Melania Trump’s White House Portrait – Twitchy

Ah, we see we’re back to the Left attacking First Lady Melania Trump again.

This time, it’s the Mean Girls over at Vogue, who have thoughts on Melania’s official White House portrait:

The entire post reads:

‘Melania Trump Cosplays The Apprentice in Her Official White House Portrait,’ read the snarky headline.

Writer Hannah Jackson blasted Mrs. Trump’s power pose, her wardrobe and the black & white image photographed by Régine Mahaux.

‘Trump looked more like she was guest starring on an episode of The Apprentice than assuming the role of first lady of the United States,’ Jackson wrote.

‘Trump’s clothing certainly didn’t help the boardroom pastiche. The first lady wore a black Dolce & Gabbana tuxedo jacket with satin-trimmed lapels over a white button-up, which she paired with a Ralph Lauren cummerbund and trousers,’ the writer sneered. ‘The choice to wear a tuxedo—as opposed to a blazer or blouse—made Trump look more like a freelance magician than a public servant.’

It’s unclear why Vogue directed their poisonous venom at Mrs. Trump. Envy, perhaps? Or it could just be that they hate bold, confident Republican women.

Barbara Bush, Laura Bush and Mrs. Trump have never graced the cover of Vogue.  Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama, Kamala Harris and Jill Biden, however, have been the subjects of multiple cover photographs.

And how can I say this delicately? Hillary, Michelle, Kamala and Jill aren’t exactly finalists for ‘America’s Next Top Model.’

There’s no debate that the most attractive women in America are conservatives. There’s something special about a woman who can wield a cast-iron skillet in one hand and a rifle in another. A woman who embodies the precepts found in the 31st chapter of Proverbs. A woman who treasures her family and her faith.

Feminists, on the other hand? Well, if you’ve been to one of those pink-hat protests in Washington, D.C., you know there’s a whole lot of butt-ugly.

Melania Trump is a portrait of beauty, style, elegance and power. She’s a wife and a mother. She’s a person who embraces her God-given pronoun. She’s incredibly intelligent. She can speak fluently in five languages. And she has a terrific sense of humor.

Unfortunately, the Mean Girls who run the fashion magazines have an entirely different standard for style and beauty. That’s why their pages are filled with photos of big-boned girls with magenta hair, piercings in every crevice, graffitied with tattoos wearing hemp sweaters and driving Subarus. And the kick in the pants is that most of those girls are actually dudes.


This writer sees stories like this and remembers how the Left insists women should run the world because we’d all get along and everything would be peaceful unicorns and rainbows.

To which she says: have they ever met women? Especially Leftist women?

They’ll start World War III over a pair of Manolo Blahniks.

It’s not. They know it’s not. Which is why they try to force it on us and attack people who disagree.

And why they attack Melania.

No lies detected.

Of course.

If Melania’s husband had a (D) after his name, they would be tripping over one another to get in her good graces.

Nailed it.

We did not expect anything different.

This is who they are.

This writer is old enough to remember when women in suits was all the rage.

What change

Completely not surprised. At all.

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