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J.K. Rowling Corrects Wildly Misleading Daily Mail Headline As Only SHE Can – Twitchy

The Left has this weird obsession with arguing that conservatives will demand ‘genital inspections’ of athletes to bar ‘trans women’ (read: men) from playing in girls’ sports.

Instead of being indignant at the thought of men taking competition spots, scholarships, and medals from women (not to mention hurting them in the process), the Left is mad that we who oppose such insanity acknowledge basic biology.

The reality is that testing for gender before sports competitions is not reliant on ‘genital inspections’ but a simple cheek swab. Harmless.

Unless you’re The Daily Mail, in which case this is a travesty:

The only people ‘stamped out’ of sports are the women who lose spots to these men.

Thankfully, J.K. Rowling came to drop some truth on the publication:

Yes. ‘Trans women’ can play with men.

And we not that this only goes one way. If this were as pervasive and consistent as the Left claims, there would be an equal number of ‘trans men’ (read: women) trying to compete in men’s sports.

We notice there isn’t.

Make of that what you will.


They can’t because it acknowledges a biological reality their politics demand they ignore.

Leftists act like this is the end of the world.

Sanity might be restored.

We like that line.

The post concludes:

Male athletes are still free to identify and describe themselves any way they want to, as are female athletes. This inner identity is not a basis for violating the rules of fair competition. ALL athletes must conform to the rules, which were created for fairness and to ensure the safety of the other athletes.

Fairness has never been the forte of the Left, however. They want to game the system so their preferred groups have an unfair advantage.

Statistically, there should be about an equal number trying to compete with men.

We notice there’s a dearth of them.

Yes, it is.

We all know why.

Correct. And we note that all the Left’s bloviating and boycotting of Harry Potter yielded no results.

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