
Historically Illiterate Liar Jamie Raskin Goes Full Gun-Grabber Defining ‘Well-Regulated Militia’ – Twitchy

Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing today about the eeeevvvvvvillll Republican plan to respect the Second Amendment rights of Americans and roll back unconstitutional gun laws.

Rep. Jamie Raskin, who never fails to be wrong about everything, gave some remarks and — true to form — gets the Second Amendment totally wrong:

You can watch Raskin’s opening remarks here:

Of course, the ‘well-regulated militia’ clause does not mean that the government gets to restrict the use of or access to firearms.

Embrace the healing power of ‘and’, friend.



Raskin will never understand the point you’re making here.

‘Well, what did he know about the Constitution?’ – Jamie Raskin probably.

That competition is STIFF.

Never was and never will be.

Being completely mendacious is what Raskin’s best at, though.

Raskin won’t be able to answer this, either.

Like all Democrats, he’ll just ignore the SCOTUS opinions he doesn’t like.

The Second Amendment is clear, and our rights shall not be infringed. Not by Raskin or anyone else.

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