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Hank ‘Capsize’ Johnson Says Trump Wants Blacks to Pick Cotton – Twitchy

If anyone is wondering if we will ever get tired of mocking Rep. Hank Johnson for believing that putting tanks on the island of Guam might cause it to tip over, the answer is no. 

We will never stop. 

Johnson’s infamous question in 2010 to US USINDOPACOM Commander Admiral Robert Willard is perfectly indicative of his complete lack of intelligence and propensity for finding the stupidest thing to say in any situation. 

He simply does not belong in Congress, and we have to wonder if there is something in the water supply in Georgia’s 4th Congressional District that makes them keep electing him. 

And it’s not like the Guam incident was a one-off. Johnson repeatedly says things that aren’t worthy of someone who digs ditches for a living, let alone a United States Congressman. Most recently, he fantasized about U.S. Marshals arresting the President of the United States

This week, Johnson participated in a video conference call where he embarrassed himself again, channeling his inner Joe Biden to make the claim that Donald Trump wants to put black people ‘back in chains,’ picking cotton for the rest of the country. Watch: 

LOL. Yes, of course. The entire school choice movement is a secret plot to bring back slavery and send minorities into the fields to pick cotton. 

Hank Johnson has finally exposed Corey DeAngelis! 

Or, you know, maybe Johnson’s just a crazy person who belongs in a psych ward rather than on Capitol Hill. 


It’s becoming pretty clear that Democrats are no longer interested in appealing to or even speaking to the majority of the American people. They are completely captured by their lunatic fringe base. 

It’s difficult to surmise what the endgame is for this strategy is, but winning a national election ever again isn’t it.

Johnson will probably call those cotton harvester machines racist for taking away what HE thinks are ‘black jobs.’

If he ever said anything intelligent, we might forget his insane question 15 years ago. But he never does. 

Every time he opens his mouth, it is just a reminder for America that, in the stiff competition for ‘Dumbest Member of Congress,’ Johnson is a perennial favorite to make the podium.

No, he is not. But he IS kind of emblematic of what the Democrat Party has become. 

Texas Rep. Al Green is the center of attention these days for his ranting disruption of Trump’s address to Congress, for which he was censured yesterday, but what he did was not out of character for his party. 

They embarrass themselves in this manner every … single … day. 

Irony and self-awareness are two concepts that have become completely alien to Democrats like Johnson. 

They are the party of racism AND the party of projection. 

It is simultaneously hilarious and sad that they do not — they cannot — realize it.

HA. Exactly. 

The difference between now and then is that when Biden issued his disgraceful ‘put y’all back in chains’ threat (about Mitt Romney, of all people), there were even some Democrats and members of the media who thought that it was going a little too far, even for KKK Grand Wizard Robert Byrd’s buddy. 

These days, there is no bridge too far for them. There is no deranged fantasy they can think up in a fever dream where they will say to themselves, ‘No, that’s going to sound pretty crazy to most Americans.’

Frankly, we’re kind of surprised no one has come out yet and claimed that Trump wants to liquefy black Americans for food, like in Soylent Green

We probably shouldn’t give them any ideas. They’ll likely come out with that one soon enough. And it will be someone like Johnson who says it. 

Or maybe Jasmine Crockett.

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