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Good Luck, Democrats! Here’s a Reminder New DNC Vice Chair Hogg Was Once HUMILIATED in Gun Control Debate – Twitchy

The only reason — the only reason — David Hogg is a thing is because of gun control. He was a student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High in Parkland, Florida when a gunman opened fire on February 14, 2018, killing 17 students and injuring 17 others.

Hogg was not at school that day, but in the 7 years since the shooting, he’s made a name for himself advocating for gun control and other Left-wing causes. That’s the only reason this barely literate lawn flamingo got into Harvard, too, for what it’s worth.

So you’d think Hogg’s bread and butter issue would be one on which he’s well-versed and articulate.

You’d be wrong.

Here’s a flashback to a time when a Chinese immigrant WRECKED him on gun control:

Ouch. That was in April of last year and Hogg hasn’t learned a thing.

This writer really, really likes the GOP’s chances in the midterms and in 2028.

Yes, please. Make this happen, GOP.


Guys like Hogg never pay attention to history.

The Left loves communism, has no idea what it is, and refuses to learn from the people who lived under it, dismissing that experience as ‘not real communism.’

It’s incredible, really.

Yes, that debate was awesome.

Excellent campaign slogans, both of them.

We are fortunate to have not experienced communism, but that makes us less likely to take the threat of the communist Left seriously, and we need to take it seriously.

And when people demand gun control, they’re admitting they want a tyrannical government.

Yes. The debate is over.

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