
Don’t Look Now, But ANOTHER Fearmongering Prediction From Al Gore Is Aging Wonderfully – Twitchy

Every now and then we like to check in on notorious global warming alarmist and eco-hypocrite Al Gore’s old warnings to see how they’re aging.

At issue this week is the time Gore said this to his “Inconvenient Truth” audience in 2006: 

“Within the decade, there will be no more snows of Kilimanjaro.”

Fast forward to 2025 and the Goracle is going to have to extend that deadline just a bit: 

Womp womp!

Compare and contrast thanks to this video:

Why anybody still takes Al Gore seriously is anybody’s guess (unless they’re in on the sham with him).

Al might disagree but this sure looks like snow on Mt. Kilimanjaro in 2025:


Before too long Gore and the U.N. eco-alarmists will gather in Brazil to try and come up with some new ways to get people to panic since the old ways haven’t panned out — Just as soon as part of an Amazon rainforest is leveled to build a road for them to get there (no, seriously). 

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