Schumer is a Democrat and the lie, so this should be no surprise.
Donald Trump and Linda McMahon want to shut down the Department of Education.
This will hurt our kids.
Almost 90% of students in the U.S. attend public school. And every single district will suffer.
Senate Democrats will fight this awful decision every step of the way.
— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) March 7, 2025
Local school districts receive only a small fraction of their funding from the federal government—an amount so negligible it would barely be missed if it disappeared. Instead, this money could be redistributed to the states, allowing them to allocate it to schools based on specific needs, such as areas with extreme poverty or a high percentage of students with learning differences. The real reason Democrats champion the Department of Education, however, is that it serves as a tool to promote their Leftist ‘woke’ agenda.
Closing the Department of Education will hurt kids, say Democrats. The evidence suggests the opposite. The Dept. of Ed. promoted pseudoscientific alternatives to the science of reading & direct instruction of math. The result? A catastrophic decline in student performance.
— Michael Shellenberger (@shellenberger) March 7, 2025
Democrats say they love ‘SCIENCE’ so surely they will pay attention to actual data (don’t hold your breath).
Total nonsense backed by zero empirical evidence.
The Department of Education has produced *worse* outcomes for students over the years. It’s pushed nonsense alternative learning methods that have led to falling test scores and higher rates of illiteracy.
— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) March 7, 2025
Suddenly, the Democrats don’t want ‘science’—at least the data-driven kind—to matter.
Go with me on this… what if the federal govt stops taking money from the states for schools, and just allows the states to keep the money for their schools?
— Coach Lema (@Nockahoma) March 7, 2025
What a concept!
It’s been a failure since day one and needs to go, just like you.
— futwick (@harshyourmellow) March 7, 2025
Both Chuck and the DOE need to go. They are relics.
Chuck: I support the shutdown of the Department of Education. If it was working, why then are test scores so low? Kids today can’t read or write unless they attend private or charter schools. We spend more money per student than any other country in the world, and what do we get…
— Bill Lawrence (@BillLaw46283285) March 7, 2025
These are all excellent questions.
Were 3rd from the bottom in the WORLD. Not sure how much more you can “hurt the children”. Before the DOE we were at the top!
— Barb (@Barbnotbot) March 7, 2025
It’s shameful.
Explain how over the history of the DOE it has helped kids.
— Biggus (@dustopian) March 7, 2025
Mission Impossible.
Once again you are on the wrong side of this issue, enjoy the ride
— Steve Clodfelter (@SteveClodfelter) March 7, 2025
Some things never change.