
Democratic mayors at House Oversight committee hearing, Letters

Sanctuary smack

The House Oversight Committee laid down the law on sanctuary cities, making it clear it will not tolerate these cities harboring illegal migrants — especially criminals (“Dems’ Migrant Madness,” Editorial, March 6).

I hope these mayors and governors understand that it is illegal to harbor undocumented immigrants. Refusing to cooperate with ICE should be a crime.

Local officials who defy federal law could find themselves in jail. It’s about time these sanctuary cities wake up.

Joseph Comperchio, Brooklyn

Lingua Anglia

Making English the official language of the United States is a disgraceful betrayal of American exceptionalism (“English Is a US Edge,” Rich Lowry, Post­Opinion, March 5).

In this country, power is derived from the governed — not from a language, ethnicity or religion.
The framers of the Constitution considered establishing an official language and rejected the idea. Trying to change that now is a fundamental assault on America’s unique identity.

Walter Kitchenman, Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

End of the line

Mohammad Sharifullah, the accused terrorist allegedly responsible for the killing of 13 of our servicemen in Afghanistan, has finally been caught (“ ‘Execute’ terrorist,” March 6).

This is a promise that President Trump made to the loved ones of those fallen heroes —and he kept his word.

For over three years, the Biden administration did nothing to apprehend this terrorist. I can only imagine the anguish those families endured, waiting for news that never came.

A heartfelt thank you goes out to President Trump — not only from those families, but from our entire nation — for doing what was necessary to fight these terrorists.

Rob Johann, Queens

Save the planet

Many of us recognize the dangers of greenhouse gas emissions (“The Paris Suicide Accord,” Editorial, March 2).

Transitioning to clean energy is not just necessary — it’s smart.

Change is difficult, but millions die prematurely each year from fossil-fuel pollution. Rising global temperatures will only bring more devastating storms, wildfires and heat waves. Sea levels are rising.

Climate deniers refuse to acknowledge these facts, yet the science is not complicated. We are adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere at an unprecedented rate. There will be consequences.
Let’s address this problem — following the Paris Accord — while we still can.

Sally Courtright, Albany

Social safety nets

Republicans are either dishonest or in denial about what’s happening, as Rep. Mike Lawler demonstrates in “Dems’ Budget Lies” (PostOpinion, March 4).

The GOP cuts programs while giving billionaires tax breaks. Its standard rhetoric: blame immigrants and working-class for economic problems instead of holding the rich accountable. I truly would like to see Mike Lawler get on his knees and work the fields for five bucks an hour — lets see how he likes it.

The system is unconscionable. Sure, some adjustments to Medicaid are necessary, but Social Security is not an entitlement — it’s something people pay into their entire working lives.

Even as a Democrat, there are some things I’d consider changing. But Republicans crossed the line long ago. They’re inviting reprisal, and that’s the last thing we need.

Mike George, Elmira

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