Earlier, we told you about a poll that showed two-thirds of voters don’t think federal workers should get special treatment. We also told you that Democrats are, once again, on the wrong side of the issue and completely out of touch with voters.
We’re fine with this, because the longer they remain clueless about what voters (outside of their small, radical base) actually want, the longer Republicans remain in power.
Here’s Senator Jeff Merkley, holding up another federal employee as a victim of the BAD ORANGE MAN. Or something.
Isabella gave her all to serve her country—until she was illegally, unjustly fired.
Please listen to her story. I am fighting for Isabella and for federal workers across the country—these firings cannot stand. pic.twitter.com/eum7wVK5bM
— Senator Jeff Merkley (@SenJeffMerkley) March 12, 2025
Let us pull out our tiny violin.
Just because she complains and says something, doesn’t make it true.
— Mr. Kitty 🇮🇱 (@Sassy_Khat) March 12, 2025
Exactly this.
Where were you when thousands were fired over not wanting to take the covid vaccine? Which we now know was deadly? Did you stand up forcany of those people?
— Lisa Levsen (@WineGal8603) March 12, 2025
Applauding the firings and thinking about taking kids away from unvaccinated parents.
Sure they can! I don’t recall this outrage when we lost thousands of nurses, teachers, state workers, and first responders etc. to the shot mandates, so spare us the tears, you disingenuous asshat.
— Seamoss (@_Seamoss_) March 12, 2025
It’s (D)ifferent when they fire people.
Let me see, Biden told the coal miners to ‘learn to code’, and then there were the Keystone Pipeline employees, I believe they were told to ‘find another job’. Did you set up a press conference for any of them?
— Leanne💫🇺🇸 (@Jade_Lyn_B) March 12, 2025
OMG this happens every day without comment in the private sector. A government job is not an appointment for life. I know it has been but thats not the reality. Welcome to the real world bureaucrats. pic.twitter.com/O8RupE6lcZ
— Cheapsuits (@cheapsuits) March 12, 2025
They are horrified at the prospect of living under the rules they force on the rest of us.
That’s very telling, no?
Wouldn’t it have been nice if Democrat senators set up a press conference for YOU to whine to the whole country the last time you got fired or laid off? pic.twitter.com/OA9d25tPF4
— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) March 12, 2025
Oh, but they did. They told us to ‘learn to code’ and said they fired us in the name of ‘COVID safety’ if we didn’t get vaccinated.
I’ve been laid off before, and the first thing I did was update my resume and start sending it out. Took about two months, but I found a better job. Didn’t even think of holding a press conference.
— Andrew McCann (@andymccann) March 12, 2025
To Democrats, you’re not special.
YOU OUT OF TOUCH WHINY POS’ – You didn’t care when firefighters, police officers, military personnel were fired for NOT taking a vaccine that violated “their body their choice” rights… SO F RIGHT OFF https://t.co/HH4F70auGS
— Tiny meadow123 (@TMeadow123) March 12, 2025
They did care. They applauded it.
Working class lives & works with Firings hanging overhead everyday. You are not entitled to my tax dollars. https://t.co/LJTWQCF2Qy
— OMEGA68🇺🇸 (@jdthoma211) March 12, 2025
They sincerely think they’re entitled to our tax dollars.
Amazing, isn’t it?
They get 8 months severance plus benefits…so shut up https://t.co/l1ciBIVKpD
— B N Friendly (@BNFriendly1) March 12, 2025
How many people get eight months of severance PLUS benefits?
No one outside of the federal government.