Chuck Schumer is lying again.
We know that’s not exactly breaking news, but sometimes his dishonesty is pushing the envelope even for him.
A local newspaper in New York called the Cortland Standard announced that it would cease publication after over 150 years in business. This is where we get to play a game called “what actually happened vs. what Sen. Chuck Schumer would like everybody to believe what happened.”
The publisher’s note gave the following reasons for why the paper can no longer stay in business:
This is the last edition of the Cortland Standard.
The presses have been silent since August, when we shifted our printing to a facility in Oswego. At the time, I had hoped that cost-saving measure would give us some wiggle room. Unfortunately, despite the hard work and dedication of my talented colleagues, we cannot go any further.
Our print readership continues to decline, and our digital subscriptions have grown too slowly to make up the difference. Advertisers increasingly want to focus their marketing efforts online, at much lower prices. The cost of essential software goes up every year. The cost of fuel is up. The cost of newsprint is up. I can’t afford to pay my people what they’re worth. I can’t afford to publish this newspaper any more.
That was what actually happened. Did you see the words “Trump’s tariffs” anywhere in that entire statement? Neither did we.
Now Chuck Schumer will explain what he’d like everybody to believe happened:
Today, the Cortland Standard, one of America’s oldest family-owned newspapers, announced it would cease publication, citing increased costs from chaos caused by Trump’s tariffs.
They were a storied newspaper, with a dedicated group of journalists, who proudly informed Cortland…
— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) March 13, 2025
The full post:
Today, the Cortland Standard, one of America’s oldest family-owned newspapers, announced it would cease publication, citing increased costs from chaos caused by Trump’s tariffs.
They were a storied newspaper, with a dedicated group of journalists, who proudly informed Cortland County residents for over 150 years.
I will deeply miss reading their paper every day and seeing their reporters every time I visit.
This is why we are fighting against these reckless tariffs that are hurting the American people.
The paper was in business over 150 years and lyin’ Chuck would appreciate it if you’d believe they went under after just 50 days of Trump.
Just like that the tariffs bankrupted them 😂 The last 4 years of record inflation had nothing to do with it 😂🤣😂
— Anthony (@AnthonyG0528) March 13, 2025
The only people who will believe that are the ones who are already buying everything Schumer and the Democrats are selling.
Ah yes, a newspaper shutting down in 2025 is because of tariffs, not because no one reads their propaganda anymore. Maybe try blaming your party’s endless inflationary spending instead.
— Chaotic Genius (@realchaosgenius) March 13, 2025
Yes newspapers were doing so well until Trump
— Mimi (@MadMimi3) March 13, 2025
If anything it sounds like the Biden years accelerated the paper’s decline, but Schumer would rather just hope everybody’s stupid.