A Chicago police officer has yet to face any disciplinary action from his police force after pleading guilty to vandalizing an elderly man’s car, according to the victim’s family, who believe the car was targeted because it belongs to a Jew.
Mohammed Khan, 35, was arrested last March after he broke the side mirrors off of the vehicle of 77-year-old Rabbi Abraham Wineberg who was visiting his granddaughter and great grandchildren in Chicago’s West Rogers Park Neighborhood.
Khan was seen in surveillance footage from around 2:30 a.m. on March 3, 2024, where he first issued a parking ticket to Wineberg, who was illegally parked in Khan’s private handicapped spot, issued to accommodate Khan’s handicapped family member. Khan was off duty at the time and driving his personal vehicle.
EXCLUSIVE: Chicago Police Officer Mohammed Khan was caught kicking an elderly rabbi’s car mirrors after issuing a ticket.
Rabbi Abraham Wineberg’s family believes he was targeted for being a Jew.
Khan pleaded guilty last year but has faced no discipline from the police force. pic.twitter.com/XzsTeJW7MX
— Kassy Akiva (@KassyAkiva) March 24, 2025
Footage shows Khan peering through the rear window at Jewish and Hebrew prayer books and paraphernalia. He then returned on foot, and was seen in the footage kicking off one of the vehicle’s mirrors, which was left dangling by its wire. A few minutes later, he is seen from another angle returning again to break the other mirror, which Wineberg’s family says was completely cut off with a tool. The vehicle was then later towed.

Evidence of vandalism on Rabbi Wineberg’s vehicle.
The next morning, Khan is seen on footage talking to a second police officer, who issued another ticket around 10 a.m. Khan — whom the family had never spoken to before — told Wineberg’s granddaughter’s husband, Yisroel Wolf, that morning that he was unsure who damaged the vehicle.
“When we confronted him the next day, he tried to use his status as a police officer to get out of the crime, telling me ‘I’m a police officer, I would never do such a thing, I don’t know what you’re talking about.’” Wineberg told The Daily Wire. “That’s how we realized he was the one who wrote the ticket.”
The ticket issued, which was viewed by The Daily Wire, has an illegible signature in the “issued by” section.
“He didn’t legibly sign his name or put his badge number on the ticket, so he knew he was doing something wrong,” Wolf said.
Wolf added that he thought it was unusual the car was towed because after speaking to his neighbors, it’s more typical to just ticket illegally parked cars.
“I believe the act is deeper than road rage because Khan left the scene and then returned twice, once with a tool to cut the mirror,” Wolf said. “It is evident that Khan targeted the car because it belonged to a Jew.”

Jewish and Hebrew prayer books and paraphernalia in Rabbi Wineberg’s car.
Khan was sentenced to 40 hours of community service, 10 hours of anger management, and $800 to pay for damages, according to Wolf.
Wolf receives an email every few months from the Chicago Police Department’s Bureau of Internal Affairs telling him that their investigation into his complaint about Khan is still ongoing, despite Khan pleading guilty.
The family’s patience has run out and they filed a complaint to the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois Eastern Division earlier this month to seek action. The complaint seeks damages under the Fourth Amendment, Fourteenth Amendment, and common law of the State of Illinois for malicious acts that damage property.
The suit alleges that the incident caused Wineberg “a great amount of stress and emotional distress” which was compounded “by the realization that Khan had evidently acted in such a fashion after noticing that the owner of the car was likely Jewish.”
“Why is Khan still in the force? Why are they still investigating? He already pleaded guilty. If this was a Jewish cop and a Muslim victim would this be the same story?”
Wolf said the ordeal was deeply upsetting for his family because his wife’s grandparents were coming to meet his newborn daughter for the first time and had to drive home in an unsafe vehicle.
“He left very upset, it pretty much ruined the entire weekend for him and their drive back to Michigan was very scary because my grandmother had to act as the mirror and look out for him because we could only tape on one mirror as the other was missing,” Wolf said. “For people their age, that is very scary.”
Wolf said Wineberg accidentally parked in the handicapped spot because it was dark and he was unfamiliar with the neighborhood.
Khan has been a full-time, active Chicago police officer since 2017, according to public records.