
CAT-egorically Wrong! Scotland Mulls Ban on Felines So Birds Can Be Killed by Wind Turbines Instead – Twitchy

This is ridiculous. The United Kingdom went from being the biggest, most powerful empire in history to a place that bans knives, jails meme creators, and now is poised to ban cat ownership.

No, seriously.

More from GB News:

Households in Scotland could be prohibited from owning cats as part of new plans aimed at protecting the country’s wildlife.

A report by the Scottish Animal Welfare Commission (SAWC) – ordered by the Scottish Government – states that cats are wreaking havoc on the local population of mammals and birds.

The body estimates about 250,000 bats and 27 million birds in the UK are killed each year by felines.

The SAWC also said that domestic cats’ impact goes beyond just killing – the pets often torture their prey for fun and bring maimed animals home to their owners as a present.

Just so we’re clear here: it’s ‘wrong’ for cats to do what they naturally do — hunt and eat small creatures — but not wrong to outlaw cats.

How does SAWC plan to enforce the cat ban? This writer hates to be the bearer of bad news, but it involves killing a lot of felines.


They’re no fun.

They can self-identify as dogs.

Wind turbines don’t bring people joy and companionship, so they’re fine.

Sucking the happiness out of life is a feature, not a bug, of this proposed cat ban.

That’s different. Because reasons.

You’re not supposed to notice this.

This isn’t incompetence, per se.

In a word: yes.

Will people stand up to this, or will they fold?

‘You’ll own nothing and you’ll like it.’

Yeah, no.

This would be totally justified.

Leave the pets alone.

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