
Anti-Trump Leftist Account Celebrates the Day Obamacare Ruined Healthcare for Millions of Americans – Twitchy

The Left loves to praise themselves for accomplishments that are often a) not of their own doing, b) not the win the Left thinks they are, or c) a combination of the two.

This ‘victory lap’ is definitely in the second category.

When Democrats rammed through the Affordable Care Act via reconciliation, they said it was to give tens of millions of Americans ‘healthcare.’

What it did was make healthcare worse, health insurance unaffordable, and millions of Americans without their preferred insurance plans and healthcare providers.

So when an anti-Trump Leftist group tried to take a W on Obama care, it did not go well for them:

Let the dragging commence!

As happened to many, many Americans.

They did not.

129% increase in premiums.


And for reminding us who’s actually responsible!

Whenever the government tries to make something more affordable, it becomes incredibly expensive.

They sure did.

We sure did.

One of the biggest political lies of all time.

Exactly what happened there.

Well, look at that.

They sure did.

So will we.

Because they’re not the same.

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