That’s probably not information NYU administration wanted out there in the open.
NYU was hacked earlier today and the admissions statistics for the university were posted.
We saw the typical racial hierarchy that emerges under Affirmative Action and DEI programs where Black and Hispanic candidates are artificially boosted with race preferences while Asian…
— The Rabbit Hole (@TheRabbitHole84) March 22, 2025
Breaking: NYU’s site has been hacked and is now reportedly showing the differences in SAT scores by race LMAOOOOOOOO
Update: It’s been fixed, here is the archived version (this really did happen and now I want it for all colleges)
— Sour Patch Lyds (@sourpatchlyds) March 22, 2025
Basically, Asian and Caucasian students had to have much higher standardized testing scores to get admitted.
Averages without the range and shape of the distribution as well as the sample size can be misleading in a statistical analysis
— Xavier Manuel (@XavierM94228601) March 22, 2025
This is a side note for those who buy it.
We need a bigger transparency for this type of data from all universities, should be made public
— Bluesofie171 (@bluesofie171) March 22, 2025
That would be a great idea. Why should this not be public information?
You can see why white progressives are so hostile to blind-graded standardized tests and prefer the classroom tests and assignments graded with possible teacher bias that determine your GPA.
NYU admitted SAT:
Asian 1486
White 1428NYU admitted GPA:
White 3.66
Asian 3.61— Steve Miller (@SteveMillerOC) March 22, 2025
Affirmative action university
— E (@theelftheodore) March 22, 2025
Are they looking for a name change?
Do they accept public money? If so, this data is the public’s and should not be behind a wall.
— X-Ray (@XRay819) March 22, 2025
As it should be for all Universities and Colleges who take federal dollars.
You already knew @nyuniversity were racists and are pro-terrorist, but this is just more evidence.
— Christoff Peevish (@ChristoffPeev) March 22, 2025
DEI hurts students/people of color at any high performing organization. The scores would be roughly similar if everyone was brought in on merit. There would be fewer non Asian and whites, but they would all be intellectual peers. Instead, negative stereotypes get reinforced.
— Field of Spears (@FieldofSpears) March 22, 2025
It took 9 years in court to get SCOTUS to rule against affirmative action. What now? File a lawsuit and wait another 9 years?
The law is not the deciding factor. Institutions will reflect the ideology of the elites, which continues to be wokism.
— Nathan Cofnas (@nathancofnas) March 22, 2025
This is an excellent point. This is illegal. The Supreme Court said they must stop. What now? What can be done? Wait for it to make its way through the courts again?
Do SCOTUS rulings mean anything at all? First the Biden WH ignore the ruling on student loan relief. Now universities (yes, NYU isn’t alone) continue to practice racial discrimination in admissions.
— Terrae Ignis (@TerraeIgnis) March 22, 2025
Apparently, there needs to be criminal charges against Administrators for ignoring the courts or else the rulings mean nothing.