
ABC News’ Trump Headline Inspires Greg Gutfeld’s 4-Step Summary of Why Media Is Circling the Drain – Twitchy

Donald Trump has been in office just about a month and the legacy media has already thrown just about everything at the wall to see what sticks to turn public sentiment against this administration. It isn’t working

Trump’s approval on his handling of the border and illegal immigration is also high, but that’s not going to stop the media from trying to find an angle — or create one if necessary. Here’s a recent ABC News story about Trump’s immigration policies:

There’s the “journalism” we’re used to!

Greg Gutfeld outlined the legacy media’s four-step circle of life (or death as it were): 


That ABC News headline is not unlike when the media devotes a lot of time to trying to make everybody think they’re about to die from climate change following that up with reports about all the “climate anxiety” people have. 

The legacy media’s dying and they refuse to learn any lessons, opting to just double down.

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