This is some pretty epic-level gaslighting (or cope). One of the reasons Joe Biden was losing and ousted from the election — and why Kamala Harris lost — is the economy. Because it’s bad.
This writer paid $4.50 for a dozen eggs that would’ve cost $1.50 a few years ago. In fact, her entire grocery bill was over $400. It’s insane, and the blame belongs to Joe Biden, because he’s the president and his policies made inflation worse and hampered economic growth.
But the Left won’t admit that maybe their policies are the problem. It’s always the Republicans:
Have you guys ever noticed this pattern: Republicans crash the economy, Democrats clean it up. Then Republicans scream it’s not fast enough while blocking all solutions.
It’s the cycle of GOP chaos—wreck, whine, repeat. And worst of all, Americans fall for it.
So frustrating.
— Chris D. Jackson (@ChrisDJackson) December 31, 2024
But Chris is right about one thing: there’s a pattern here. It’s just not the one he thinks.
All he has to do is flip Republicans and Democrats in that statement and it would be correct. Democrats wreck the economy, blame Republicans, and gaslight Americans on it.
I only notice the pattern of Democrats gaslighting everyone.
— DriveBy Geek (@DriveByGeek) January 1, 2025
‘The economy is great!’
‘Bidenomics is working!’
‘Joe Biden is as sharp as a tack!’
Yeah, that pattern.
Are you on serious drugs?! Democrats crash and crush the economy, then Republicans save it – until voters forget who crashed and crushed the economy. Sad for you that this time, I think it will be a LONG time before voters forget again. You need to get yourself a new playbook to…
— Charlie Johnston (@JohnstonPilgrim) January 1, 2025
He only has one playbook, and he’s gonna keep on using it.
have you ever noticed that democrats inflate the economy with over the top spending and then when a republican gets in blame them for the mess they created? don’t worry it is coming.
— Derek Godin (@DDuchessx4619) January 1, 2025
All of the economic problems the media ignored for four years will be the CNN chyron on January 20.
You really do talk out of both sides of your pie hole. When economy is good for a Republican, its because they inherited it from a Dem, but when a Dem has a positive economy, its because of them.
— Mike_Niemotka A.K.A. The Polish Warrior (@NiemotkaMike) January 1, 2025
Man if only those voters weren’t so stupid. If they were smart like you, the democrats would never lose an election. But alas these dummies who vote don’t know that every good thing is because of Dems and every bad thing is because or republicans!
— Mr. Misadventure (@Untimelyreload) January 1, 2025
Yeah, calling voters stupid — which the Democrats and media did repeatedly — was really a winning strategy.
I have not noticed that pattern. Nor has anyone else.
— Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) January 1, 2025
We have not.
Does this famous pattern happen to the tune of “Fantasy”, by Aldo Nova?
— I Came; I Saw; I Got Over Macho Grande (@smitty_one_each) January 1, 2025
It sure does.
Two wings of the same bird. Can’t trust anyone but I don’t see the pattern. Ridiculous.
— PARTIKI UNIT (@ChuckMartel1442) January 1, 2025
Chris is ridiculous.