Remember when the Left pretended for a short time to be the ‘Party of Science’?
They told us the science — from climate change to gender — was ‘settled’ in statements more akin to religious dogma. And woe to anyone who dared question the science. You were a ‘climate denier’ or a ‘transphobe’ or a ‘grandma killer.’
Science should be objective, non-partisan, and based in the observations of reality. But Leftists don’t live in reality; they live in whatever intersectional fantasy land they make up on any given day, and — because of it — science is also filtered through a political lense.
Why else would a supposed academic paper start off with this absurd ‘positionality statement’?
So the authors are crazy, Left-wing women?
Got it.
Thanks for the warning, we suppose.
Science should not be influenced by identities. Science should be as disconnected from identities as humanely possible.
Anything less than that is propaganda, not science.
Make Asylums Great Again!
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 23, 2025
They’re needed now more than ever.
— Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 (@MarinaMedvin) March 22, 2025
Yeah, our sentiments exactly.
Does anyone else feels like you have woken up and you are on a different planet, the language spoken slightly resembles yours, but has no meaning whatsoever?
— IVO (@introvertorium) March 22, 2025
Every day.
— NoMalarkeyMom 🇺🇸 (@NoMalarkeyMom) March 23, 2025
Okay, this writer laughed out loud at this and scared her dog.
So they’re saying that if they weren’t all menstruating the facts outlined in the paper would be different?
This is embracing “my truth” as a scientific fact and it’s pathetic.
— Bleu Cheque (@VERBAL_CHANCLA) March 23, 2025
That’s exactly what they’re saying.
The authors of this particular preprint are based in Europe.
— Andreas Backhaus (@AndreasShrugged) March 23, 2025
Are we shocked by this?
No, no we are not.
“identify as intersectional feminists”
When did ‘intersectional feminist* become a gender?
I must have missed that TikTok.
— Unity (@Unity_MoT) March 22, 2025
How many genders are we up to now?
On the day of publication, I was a cis-gendered menstruating individual.
Three days later, I was a man.
— Emma Hilton (@FondOfBeetles) March 22, 2025
Which renders everything in the paper moot.
If you collect enough marginalized identities you can evade criticism. And even if your identity is boring you can spice it up with insider code words so people know you at least have the right politics and should be treated with kid gloves. How selective demands for rigor work.
— Brandon Warmke (@BrandonWarmke) March 22, 2025
That’s exactly what they’re doing. Insulating themselves against criticism and rigorous peer review.
Such a great example of how operating in a monoculture, where disagreement is actively punished, reliably leads to wacky behavior becoming normalized. What a clown show.
— Dr. Camilo Ortiz 👨🏼🎓 (@DrCamiloOrtiz) March 23, 2025
This isn’t just a clown show; it’s a three-ring circus.