
Feel the Tolerance Oozing From This Crazed Lefty As She Tells DOGE Supporters She Wants Them DEAD (WATCH) – Twitchy

If you ask the Left, they’ll tell you they’re the people full of love and tolerance for their fellow man. They’re just like Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mother Teresa all rolled into one.

They’ll swear up and down it’s the Right who are evil, racist, violent Nazis.

Except — time and again — we get videos like this featuring Leftists and not conservatives.


We bet she’s a blast at parties.

Pure evil.

They can’t defend any of the positions they hold because they’re a) that bad and b) change more frequently than most people change underwear.

So they resort to bullying, violence, and suppression of dissent to get their way.

You know, like actual fascists.

Oh, you can laugh at and mock them.


But take them seriously. Because COVID proved they’d absolutely ship us off to camps if they could.

All exactly the same.

They’re the embodiment of NPCs.

This isn’t wrong.

That’s both scary and sad.

‘Not cool’ is putting it mildly.

Correct. Because everything about them is rooted in their political identity.

When you remember that the same people support gun confiscation, it all makes sense.

No matter what. Misery is her state of being.

They delight in others suffering because misery loves company.

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