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Certified Nutbar John Cusack Gets DRAGGED for Trump-Hitler Comparison – Twitchy

We haven’t heard too much from screeching, incoherent, crazy person John Cusack since the November election. The last time we covered him on Twitchy, he was trying to convince America that ‘Tim Walz was the best decision Kamala Harris ever made’ the day before America sent the Democrat ticket packing with their tails between their legs.

Not the sharpest lump of Play-Doh in the can, that Cusack, is he? 

This month, however, Cusack must have been released from the psych ward again because he has been tweeting up a storm for the past week or so (after seemingly deleting his entire tweet history before March 4 — YIKES). 

Most of his focus has been on calling Elon Musk a Nazi. Or calling Trump a Nazi. Or just shouting at clouds and calling them Nazis. But his tweets haven’t given him much engagement for a man with nearly two million followers. Maybe even other leftists, like Michael Rapaport, have begun to realize that Cusack is crazier than an outhouse rat. 

Yesterday, Cusack was trotting out his Nazi propaganda again, this time using a photo of Trump and Musk in front of a Tesla at the White House as definitive proof that both men are LITERALLY HITLER, RRREEEEEE!

Take a look: 

Well, there you have it, folks. Pictures don’t lie. Hitler once admired a miniature Volkswagen. Trump is admiring a Tesla he just bought from Musk’s company. 

How much more proof do you need, sheeple? 

Or perhaps Cusack just needs to resume taking his Thorazine. 

Oh, it makes us think, alright. It makes us think that Cusack shouldn’t be allowed near any sharp objects or shoelaces. 


Of course, Twitter was quick to show Cusack some other parallel photos that told an interesting story as well. 

Wow. Look at the resemblance. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. 

Oh, no! Cusack did the Nazi salute. He might as well try to invade Poland at this point.

The evidence is really starting to pile up against him.


We’re not sure if Lloyd Dobler from Say Anything was Hitler, but he sure was a creepy stalker, making Cusack perfect for that role. 

And Cusack wasn’t the only person Twitter identified who bore a striking resemblance to Der Führer. Check out these other public figures (all of whom Cusack voted for, by the way). 

Yeesh. There are so many ‘literal Hitlers’ in America, we’re surprised they haven’t changed our national anthem to Deutschland, Deutschland Über Alles

Others were happy simply to point out that Cusack is a few monkeys short of a barrel. 

Don’t feel too bad about that. Cusack is the Usain Bolt of lapping people in the race to be the world’s biggest idiot. 

In fairness, he made the cut a LONG time ago. But it’s good that he’s finally getting the recognition he so richly deserves. 

The day, the week, the year, maybe even the decade. 

Even Grok wasn’t having any of Cusack’s nonsense. 
[Warning for some extremely NSFW language in the screenshots below.]

LOL. ‘A pissed-off teenager who just discovered Noam Chomsky.’ 

That tracks. 

Just for the heck of it, here’s one more ‘Hitler’ who used to love to pal around with Musk. We wonder if Cusack remembers this guy: 


The irony of all of this is that Cusack himself is virulently antisemitic, as he has demonstrated in his (now deleted) tweets after the October 7 terrorist attack. As we noted above, even Michael Rapaport called him out for his crazy rants against the Jewish people

Hey, John Cusack … you know who ELSE hated the Jews? 

Think about that for a while, kiddo. 

Or maybe just don’t feel the need to dump your mental illness out on Twitter for the world to see.

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