The legacy media doesn’t really have any substantive arguments to make against DOGE. A large majority of Americans support cutting waste, fraud, and corruption out of the federal government. And not with a scalpel, with a chainsaw. But, being the committed leftist apparatchiks that they are, the media has to try something to stop the Bad Orange Man.
Usually, that involves calling everything that President Trump and Elon Musk do (even breathing) racist. Or sexist. Or, reflecting the Democrats’ inability to come up with anything original to say, calling both men Nazis and Hitler.
When all of that fails though, as it has been, they still have one more ace up their sleeve: emotional blackmail.
Last night, NBC News tried to tug at people’s heartstrings to turn them against DOGE, trotting out sad stories of workers who have been laid off.
(It’s funny how they didn’t do this when Bill Clinton fired nearly 400,000 federal workers in the 90s.)
In interviews with NBC News, many federal workers share stories of overwhelming stress, personal crises, rapid weight loss, panic attacks and more amid job cuts and a barrage of messages that federal workers have no value.
— NBC News (@NBCNews) March 14, 2025
Oh, please. Are they suffering hair loss and bleeding gums, too?
First of all, no one is telling Feds that they have no value. DOGE is just identifying that the WORK they do has no value. The clip from the popular sitcom The Big Bang Theory kind of sums it up:
LOL. Sorry, we couldn’t resist.
But the NBC story gets truly shameful in its attempt to manipulate people against the vitally necessary cuts that DOGE is making. It starts by comparing one worker’s job loss — and we wish we were kidding about this, but we are not — to the suicide of his daughter and his battle with cancer.
The call that would upend his life came 11 years ago. His daughter had hanged herself; she was now on life support. He rushed to her bedside, but eventually the time came when the machine would be turned off. The father placed his hand on his daughter’s chest, found her heartbeat and willed her to push through. Her heart slowed and slowed and slowed. Then it stopped. She was gone.
In an interview, the 54-year-old suicide prevention case manager with the Department of Veterans Affairs painfully recalled his agonizing journey, which also included beating cancer, as he grappled with a new crisis of his own.
The world he turned to for salvation … was now in turmoil.
Like the roughly 2 million workers across the federal government, he is watching his colleagues and the veterans he’s trying to help lose their livelihoods or weather a barrage of messages that federal workers have no value — often coming directly from the president and the people he has empowered.
This is disgraceful. And we are not saying that of the worker in question here. It’s fine, even touching, for him to share his personal story. But for NBC to frame it this way? Comparing losing a job to suicide?
Absolutely reprehensible.
(By the way, there are a lot closer to three million federal employees, not two million. DOGE recommendations, to date, have resulted in cutting far less than even one percent of those jobs.)
The story goes on to detail therapists, medications, bipolar disorders, and other mental illness ailments from 20 anonymous workers. And this is supposed to make Americans think that these people should be working in the federal government?
Setting that aside for a minute, we can’t help but notice that NBC never had this level of ’empathy’ when the Biden administration cut the jobs of thousands of oil workers (and snidely told them to ‘learn to code’) or when that same administration fired many more for not wanting to take an experimental mRNA shot.
So what about the oil field workers that were fired from thier jobs and told learn to code…………and the service members who were force out because of a vaccine and to fight to get back the benefits they earned.
— SaltyGrunt (@Switch82Vet) March 14, 2025
Why were there no stories about those people being ‘dehumanized,’ NBC?
Compare this to when you interviewed the Keystone Pipeline workers
— Chris Mills (@mills_chrisw) March 14, 2025
They can’t. Because they never did.
The manipulation also fails with people who work in the private sector, who deal with this stress every day, and never had their jobs protected by a government whose checks never bounce (thanks to our tax money).
Just wait until they have to get a non government job, and start to understand the stress the rest of America has been feeling for the last 30 years.
It is really going to be a shock for them.
— Jim Collins (@JimCollinsJr) March 14, 2025
Most people in the private sector regularly have to report on their work progress as well, so an email asking for five things people did last week isn’t ‘traumatic,’ just routine.
Unfortunately, but sometimes necessarily, cutbacks and layoffs are also routine.
It’s part of life. Most people in private sector go through this numerous times. Just get another job. Everything will be ok.
— Chuck Burn (@ChrisBu48602596) March 14, 2025
Normal civilians are terminated daily and
Recover to find another job without
National publicity!— Tom Midtlyng (@MidtlyngTo85395) March 14, 2025
Normal civilians don’t receive national publicity because the legacy media can’t use them as a cudgel to try to hit the President with.
Especially if that President is a Democrat.
The ONLY reason that NBC is turning these people into complete helpless victims is to keep fanning their flame of HATRED of Trump!!
— Colleen Blackman (@coneill2712) March 14, 2025
Again, NBC News never wrote these weeping sob stories during the immensely larger Clinton cuts. Or when Barack Obama initiated a program very much like DOGE during his administration.
(Then again, Obama put Joe Biden in charge of that program, so it was a miserable failure from its inception.)
Oh NBC you’re helping raise a generation that has zero grit or perseverance!!! Come on! They last a job! We have all dealt with that at one point in time by pulling our bootstraps up and job hunting!!🙄🙄Stop making everyone VICTIMS!! We need to learn to be strong!
— Colleen Blackman (@coneill2712) March 14, 2025
They’re not doing this by accident. They WANT everyone to be weak, frail, and totally dependent on the government.
Too many have had it too easy for too long. Toughen up.
— Reasonable in Missouri (@mike_w42917) March 14, 2025
Welcome to the real world.
— MikeB (@bambam117723) March 14, 2025
We’re not heartless here. Losing a job IS a stressful time. No one disputes that.
But it can also be a time of great opportunity. We’re willing to bet that for the 20 people NBC deliberately cherry-picked for their emotional blackmail article, there are 200 more (at least) who are working on finding something better for themselves and their families.
That doesn’t fit the legacy media narrative, though. So NBC will ignore those people and keep looking for victims to push a narrative.
Sorry, ‘journalists.’ America doesn’t fall for that anymore.