
Wife’s Absurd Kidnapping Whine Falls Flat After Her Hamas-Loving Hubby Gets Busted – Twitchy

This woman has some audacity. An American is still being held by Hamas following their attack on innocent people in Israel on October 7, yet she claims her husband has been ‘kidnapped.’ No, Hamas is a terrorist organization, and her husband held rallies in support of them. The Trump Administration seeks to deport him, which is far from kidnapping—it’s more like saying ‘good riddance’ to a bad influence.

Perhaps, rather than promoting hostility toward Jewish people, he should have been at home caring for his pregnant wife in a country that had graciously permitted his visit. It seems he is more interested in being a social justice warrior than a good father. 

At least he isn’t being held in an underground tunnel with no natural light and barely any food to eat

Perhaps people should consider tearing down pictures and posters of her husband, much like the hostage posters of abducted Israelis were removed.


It’s sad that a baby has a terrorist sympathizer for a father. Sigh.

He was a guest. Guests should behave graciously. He did not. 

This family is not owed anything. If she wants to be with her husband, she can go live with him when he is deported back to his home. Stuff happens.

That sounds like a plan. His buddies in Hamas can give us the American they are holding, and he can go with them. He can also stay with them and not come back to America. Ever.

It’s crystal clear.

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