
Democrats Loved Elon Musk Before They Hated Him, Now They Want to Destroy Him (WATCH) – Twitchy

It’s amazing how quickly the Democrat Party turns on its own as soon as a Dem starts embracing radical concepts like freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and more. We’re not talking lip service but actual full support. There was a time the Democrat Party loved Elon Musk and then he latched on to all that radical stuff we just mentioned. How dare he? Now, the Democrats want to destroy him and burn his businesses to the ground.

Check out the ‘then and now’ contrast in the video. (WATCH)

Yep, President Donald Trump experienced the same thing as Musk.

Both Musk and Trump learned quickly there’s no room for disagreement, individualism, or free thought within the Democrat Party. Posters recognize this, too.

We haven’t heard any. We don’t think we ever will either. Dems only know how to escalate.

Musk removed many of the online shackles forced on conservatives and MAGA. Dems despise a level playing field of ideas.


Now the Democrats exist to oppose both Musk and Trump. Every position they support seems to simply be in opposition to whatever Musk and Trump are for. That’s an interesting power both men now exert over their former team. You’ll notice the Dems have a platform of pure insanity because of it.

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