We apologize for the recent glut of videos from Rep. Jasmine Crockett, but she really does seem to be lobbying to the face of the Democrat party — her pronouncements are making AOC look smart. Just a day ago, she claimed that 80 percent of the “most extreme” crimes in the United States are committed by white supremacists. We’re not sure where she got that number, but it certainly wasn’t from the FBI.
Crockett popped up again on MSNBC, where the topic was, judging from the chyron, the hearing Congress held this week with the mayors of four sanctuary cities — Boston, New York, Chicago, and Denver — who were “hammered” by Republicans.
There’s a weird term that’s been going around as border czar Tom Homan tends to business: criminal illegal aliens. These are the illegal aliens who have committed crimes like murder or child rape on top of coming here illegally. As Homan said, ICE is going after the worst first.
According to Crockett, however, entering the United States illegally is not a crime. The Biden administration might have given that impression, but no, illegally entering the country is a crime. “Don’t give me this fake outrage against criminals roaming our streets” when the biggest criminal of all is sitting in the Oval Office.
🚨The New Face of the Democrat Party, Jasmine Crockett:
Entering the US illegally is “not a crime.”
“They really want our local law enforcement to go out and round up people when they could be looking out for the murderers and the sexual abusers, as well as the robbers. They… pic.twitter.com/lKtAPcgbzt
— Western Lensman (@WesternLensman) March 8, 2025
Western Lensman writes:
🚨The New Face of the Democrat Party, Jasmine Crockett:
Entering the US illegally is “not a crime.”
“They really want our local law enforcement to go out and round up people when they could be looking out for the murderers and the sexual abusers, as well as the robbers. They want them to go round people up on civil accusations.”
“Don’t give me this fake outrage about criminals roaming our streets, when you guys stand ten toes down for the biggest criminal that we have ever seen go into the White House.”
Too many lies to count, but deportation of ALL illegal aliens enjoys wide majority support. Support for deportation of illegal aliens with criminal records is much higher.
They are on the wrong side of every major issue, and their messengers are unhinged radicals.
Keep going, Democrats. You’re doing just great.
“they could be looking out for the murderers and the sexual abusers, as well as the robbers.” I guess she is not aware that a sizeable portion of illegal immigrants are the people she is describing.
— Gideon Rex (@GideonRexWrites) March 8, 2025
Fell under the “too many lies to count” comment.
Homan and ICE are specifically targeting these individuals.
— Western Lensman (@WesternLensman) March 8, 2025
They are so tone deaf to the pulse of America.
Angel Families prove that these people, who were criminals the minute they stepped foot on U.S. soil in violation of immigration laws, include many who have committed more heinous crimes since.
— Kevin M. Nelson (@KevinMNelsonUSA) March 8, 2025
Wait, so it’s illegal but not a crime?
— Gunther Eagleman™ (@GuntherEagleman) March 8, 2025
Whoever is responsible for elevating this fool to be the fresh face of the Dem party deserves a raise
— WestCoast_Life (@westcoast_lyfe) March 8, 2025
Just let Crockett keep talking. I’m okay with it. 🤣
— Kellie L. Aldrich (@two_bysea) March 8, 2025
She has a law degree! She must at least have some general understanding that she’s lying. Right? 😳
— Stacey E. Burke (@StaceyEBurke) March 8, 2025
She did indeed practice law before getting into politics.
It’s going to be hard for Democrats to rein her in because any attempt to do so will be met with the accusation that they’re racists. The Frankenstein that Democrats have created has come back to the castle to destroy them.
— TransOdius (@TransOdius) March 8, 2025
I can’t believe Jasmine is now openly defending illegal immigration and gaslighting Americans about crime.
— Baste Records (@basterecords) March 8, 2025
Entering the U.S. illegally is a misdemeanor under federal law (8 U.S.C. § 1325), punishable by a fine, up to 6 months in prison, or both. Repeat offenses can be felonies with up to 2 years in prison.
— Jammles (@jammles9) March 8, 2025
It’s not a crime to do something illegal. Check.
— Graham Banks Cull (@1GrahamDaily) March 8, 2025
She just said that it’s a civil violation to cross into the country illegally, which is false. It’s a crime. What is a civil offense is overstaying your visa in the U.S. If you are ordered removed, and then stay anyways, that is illegal. We have complete morons in Congress.
— P.T. Ward (@HTWardish) March 8, 2025
You get what you vote for, and the people of Dallas decided this is the person they wanted to represent them in Congress. You just know she’ll be reelected too.