
European Lefty Journalist Thinks Marco Rubio’s Ash Wednesday Expression of Faith Is ‘Dystopian’ – Twitchy

The Left likes to throw around pejoratives like ‘racist’ and ‘homophobic’ and ‘bigoted’ to label anything and everything the Right does. They do it to raise fear and alarm among fellow Leftists to push a political narrative.

The problem is that they use those labels so frequently and on things that aren’t racist, bigoted, or homophobic that most normal people just start to ignore them. Not everything is ‘racist’ or ‘bigoted’ and anyone who doesn’t live in a Leftist bubble knows this.

We can also add ‘dystopian’ to the list of terms the Left has rendered utterly devoid of meaning.

Case in point:

Wednesday was Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent for Catholics and many other Christians across the world. Millions of men and women wore ashes on their foreheads just like Marco Rubio.

And, even though he’s Secretary of State, Rubio enjoys the same First Amendment rights as anyone else.

Just add these things to the list of reasons why the original poster is wrong.


Nailed it.

That’s (D)ifferent.

This is also true.

No lies detected.

Weird how this wasn’t ‘dystopian.’

Wonder what the original poster thinks of the hijab or yarmulke.

You expect us to believe that the country with a giant statue of Jesus Christ standing above one of its biggest cities didn’t do this?

We don’t believe you.

This is foreign to a lot of non-Americans.

‘Load Toner’ will never not be funny. And here’s the meme for reference:

Always amusing to see that this time of year.

The only ones bothered by this are Leftists.

Same vibes.

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