Even luxury carriers aren’t safe from bad airplane behavior.
A Singapore Airlines passenger sparked an etiquette debate online after allegedly exposing his bare feet to fellow flyers — even touching his seatmate’s chair with them.
“Why did I have to put be next to this heathen?” declared the tootsie troll’s furious fellow flyer in a Reddit post currently taking off.

The gobsmacked globetrotter shared a photo of the air barbarian sitting with one leg crossed over the other so his bare foot was pointing into the aisle. The poster clarified in the comments that the “rude” man’s trotter was poking their seat panel.
“He was like throughout the flight except for meal times at which he kept asking for whiskey and only after confirming that it was Johnnie Walker Red Label,” the irate Redditor fumed.
They implored the Redditverse for advice on whether they should hold their neighbor’s toes to the fire, writing: “Can I request to change seats or get him to put on his stupid shoes?”
They had a variety of suggestions, some more helpful than others.
“Ask him nicely. Then ask the crew nicely. Nothing else you can do,” advised one, while another wrote, “Quite simple actually. Just use your feet and touch his feet, you’re wearing shoes, he isn’t.”

“Suck his toes when hes asleep,” joked another. “Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do about it. If you area really mad about it and need to seek some semblance of peace, maybe create an anonymous social media post with his face on it.”
“Omg I swear there are so many disgusting people in this world that I feel like I have to pay four times the price to sit in business so that I can avoid this kind of situation,” lamented one poster.
“Did you ask him to put his foot away?!” inquired one commenter.
The original poster replied, “No, I was afraid cos he seemed partially drunk. I mean, I just wanted no drama if possible. Sadly, I can be a pushover lol.”
Unfortunately, air travel has become a nightmare at 30,000 feet of late. In one of the more heinous pedi crimes to date, one passenger raised eyebrows after flashing their hairy, six-toed trotter on a plane — which viewers compared to a “mermaid’s tail.”
Along with being rude and unsightly, going shoeless on a plane is also a hygiene issue, especially given how dirty an airplane cabin is.
“I would never fly barefoot on a plane,” a veteran flight attendant for a major carrier said, per WGN Morning News. “Passengers these days can be quite messy and we see everything from spills to dirty diapers thrown on the floor.”
In addition, removing footwear inflight can prove hazardous due to the risk of cluttering an aisle — or people having to move sans shoes during an emergency.