
Democrats Ignore The Will Of The People With This Insane Move

One of the things you’re generally not supposed to do when you’re in the commentary business is draw any sweeping conclusions about public sentiment based on reading YouTube comments. You can’t usually review YouTube comments and determine how people generally feel about something. But there’s been a trend across various YouTube comments sections lately that, at this point, I simply can’t ignore.

If you pull up news reports about Republicans’ efforts to ban men from competing in women’s sports, you will find — in every single instance, without exception — that the comments overwhelmingly support the Republicans. Even if you go to the channels of Left-wing news stations, the pattern remains the same. And not just on YouTube. Read the comments under any article on the topic. Read the comments on X or Facebook or Instagram. There is, everywhere, on every major platform, wide agreement on this issue. There just isn’t any debate among reasonable people about this issue. Everyone is tired of seeing men dominate women’s sports by pretending to be women.

Take for example this footage from NBC News’ report last month. It’s about a bill that passed in the House, which would codify one of Donald Trump’s executive orders. The bill is called the “Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act.” And the terms of the legislation are pretty simple. It would ban any school that receives federal funding from, “permitting a person whose sex is male to participate in an athletic program or activity that is designated for women or girls.” And the bill goes on to define “sex” as “solely on a person’s reproductive biology and genetics at birth,” just in case there was any doubt about that.

This is the kind of legislation we need to see more of. It’s a meaningful step by Republicans in Congress to give some backbone to an executive order that’s extremely important. With that in mind, here’s how NBC News covered the House vote on this legislation back in January:

Right away, you can see that they’re framing this legislation as a bill that would “ban transgender girls and women from competing in women’s sports.” They’re not reporting the truth, which is that “transgender girls and women” are men. They’re not going into any detail about how obviously unfair it is for men to compete against women in sports. Instead, they’re trying to portray this law as some kind of mean-spirited, bigoted effort by Republican lawmakers.

And even on NBC News’ YouTube channel — which has a very Left-leaning audience — this framing didn’t fly. Instead of condemning the ban, pretty much every single comment supports it. For example, the top comment reads, “can’t believe this is even being discussed; common sense is underrated.” Then someone says, “Finally the nonsense ends.” Another user replies, “As a woman and mother of a girl, I’m happy and grateful.”

I could go through about a dozen other videos like this. Forbes, for example, has a similar video. One of the top comments puts it this way: “As a former democrat, even if im liberal on certain subjects, it’s dumb s*** like this that has driven me and a lot of other folks away from this party. … Embarrassing.”

And again, every comment is like this.

WATCH: The Matt Walsh Show

So the pattern is familiar: Left-wing media outlets try to portray the Republicans as the villain of the story. And despite that framing, the comments section revolts. None of this is surprising, when you take a look at the polling data on the topic. Just a couple of weeks ago, a New York Times poll found that, “the vast majority of Americans, including a majority of Democrats, don’t think transgender athletes should be permitted to compete in women’s sports.” Roughly 80% of respondents said that “men who identify as women” should be banned from women’s sports. And among Democrats, the number was 67%.

Just to put these numbers in context, something like 4% of Democrats voted for Donald Trump in the last election. This is a demographic that disagrees with Trump on pretty much everything. But when it comes to the farce of men competing in women’s sports, even these Democrats are forced to agree with him.

That’s why the vote that just took place in the Senate is so remarkable. Every single Democrat in the Senate — all 45 of them — just voted against the “Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act.” In other words, 100% of the Democrat Party in the Senate still endorses the insanity of men competing against women. There was not one single defector. Despite the overwhelming number of voters — including Democrat voters — who are tired of this nonsense, Democrats in Washington are in complete lockstep on this issue. And they’re proud of it.

To give you some idea of how the day went, this is footage of Elizabeth Warren casting her vote. She makes sure everyone sees that she’s giving the big thumbs-down for the cameras:


This was so confusing that I went looking through the floor debates on this bill. I wanted to know what, exactly, could motivate the “party of democracy” to flagrantly disregard the clear desires of its own voters. I wanted to see what arguments they put forward. And I came across this speech from Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois. Here’s how it began. This is Dick Durbin’s argument for why the Senate should not pass a bill that bans men from competing against women in sports:


What’s especially funny about this line of argument is that Durbin supported Democrats’ “anti-lynching” law a few years back, even though lynching — and all other forms of murder — have been illegal for some time in this country. Somehow the fact that no black people have been lynched in several decades didn’t deter Durbin from supporting that law. But now we’re supposed to conclude that, because there aren’t thousands of men playing in women’s sports, the whole issue is moot.

This is the stock argument you hear all the time from trans activists. Of course, even assuming Durbin’s numbers are accurate — which of course, we should not assume that — this is still an argument that completely sidesteps two very important issues. The first is that women are indeed losing opportunities and being degraded in order to affirm the delusions of pathological narcissists. That’s not something we should allow, regardless of how many women are being affected. The other issue of course is that a functioning society has to be able to accept the reality of basic human biology. Even if you don’t care about the injustices that athletes like Riley Gaines have endured — and you obviously should care about those injustices — then you still have to explain some basic terms. You have to explain, for example, what a “woman” is. You have to explain what a “man” is. And as we all know, Democrats are incapable of doing this.

During the rest of Durbin’s speech he eventually gets around to making another argument, one that is even more revealing than the last one. Watch:


I went back and read the legislation he’s talking about. And contrary to what Durbin says, there’s nothing in there that permits a random adult — or any adult — to look at the private parts of a student athlete who’s accused of pretending to be a woman. So what he is saying is that Republicans are secretly obsessed with this kind of perversion, when in fact he’s the only one thinking along these lines. This is maybe a window into the sordid mental state of Dick Durbin and Democrats like him.

In reality, the bill simply bans men from competing against women. That’s it. And everyone understands exactly how that would be enforced, because it’s extremely, painfully obvious when men are playing in women’s sports. You don’t need any kind of examination. You don’t need to test their chromosomes. You can just look at them. In every single case involving a man playing in women’s sports, that’s been true. And it has never been a close call.

Of course Democrats like Dick Durbin have to pretend otherwise. They’ll watch a basketball game, and see one athlete towering over everyone else — with a gigantic Adam’s apple, twice the muscle mass and a James Earl Jones voice — and conclude that there’s just no way of knowing the athlete’s gender. They have to act like it’s a mystery, known only to perverted gender inspectors who are going around pants-ing student athletes at every opportunity.

But even though Durbin’s side of this argument was in the minority, Democrats have succeeded in killing the legislation. That’s because laws like this one have to overcome a filibuster, which requires 60 votes. And because the vote on this legislation was 51 in favor and 45 opposed, it won’t pass. Republicans have the majority, but they’re not able to pass a law like this one. It’s enough to make you wonder why Republicans don’t eliminate the filibuster entirely at this point. We all know Democrats will do the same thing the moment they have the opportunity — they’ve done it before, after all. And if Democrats are now so unhinged and so unreasonable that they’re willing to defend the idea of men playing in women’s sports, then it’s safe to say the filibuster has drifted very far from its original purpose. The point of the filibuster was to enable careful deliberation. Instead, at the moment, it’s enabling insanity.

Getting rid of the filibuster would also make it much easier to pass a federal ban on child castration and mutilation in the name of so-called “gender-affirming care,” which is something I’ve obviously been pushing for, especially since the beginning of the second Trump administration. A couple of days ago, one of the most prominent Republicans in the Senate, Josh Hawley, endorsed my proposal. He wrote: “And not just this — but when is Congress going to give VICTIMS of these transition surgeries & treatments the right to SUE the people who carried them out? Needs to happen now.”

This is the kind of legislation that Republicans need to enact, as quickly as they possibly can. Whatever procedural roadblocks are in the way, they need to be cleared. When Democrats are using the filibuster to obstruct the will of the vast majority of Americans — including their own voters — then it’s a pretty clear sign that the filibuster needs to go. It has outlived whatever usefulness it had. And once the filibuster is gone, we need to start passing laws that affirm the reality of basic, fundamental human biology. For the benefit of all young people — and to restore some semblance of sanity in this country — we now have no other choice.

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